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子对话框 - SetWindowTextA或SendMessageA崩溃程序 - MFC

[英]Child Dialog - SetWindowTextA or SendMessageA crashes program - MFC

ERROR: afxwin2.inl line 165 错误:afxwin2.inl第165行

My app is a dialog box with a few edit boxes. 我的应用程序是一个带有几个编辑框的对话框。 Once I click the button to evaluate the information entered I want to open a child dialog to display the results. 单击按钮评估输入的信息后,我想打开子对话框以显示结果。 I tried overloading DoModal() like this: 我尝试像这样重载DoModal():

//in the child dialog
CResultsDlg::CResultsDlg(CParentDlg *parent); 
virtual INT_PTR DoModal(float bmi); 

CResultsDlg::CResultsDlg(CParentDlg *parent) : CDialogEx(CResultsDlg::IDD), _parent(parent)
{   //initializations  }

INT_PTR CResultsDlg::DoModal(float bmi)
    m_sBMI.Format("%f", bmi);
    m_hBMI.SetWindowTextA(m_sBMI); //crashes !!!!!!!!!! 
    m_hBMI.SendMessageA(WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"15.11"); //crashes !!!!!!!! 

//  OnInitDialog(); //because this wasn't getting called at all
    return CDialogEx::DoModal();

BOOL CResultsDlg::OnInitDialog()
//  __super::OnInitDialog(); //no difference...

m_hBMI.SetWindowTextA("10.3"); //crashes !!!

return true;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control

//in the parent dialog 
void CParentDlg::OnBnClickedCalculate()
    CResultsDlg childResultsDlg = this;

m_hBMI is a handle to a static text control. m_hBMI是静态文本控件的句柄。 I tested an edit box but it still crashed. 我测试了一个编辑框但它仍然崩溃了。 I understand that it probably has something to do with the controls not being created yet but I tried every way I know. 我知道它可能与尚未创建的控件有关,但我尝试了我所知道的每一种方式。

Using breakpoints, I confirmed that OnInitDialog does not get called at all unless I put it in the overloaded DoModal function. 使用断点,我确认OnInitDialog根本没有被调用,除非我把它放在重载的DoModal函数中。 SetWindowText/SendMessage still crashes in OnInitDialog with the same ASSERT error. SetWindowText / SendMessage仍然在OnInitDialog中崩溃并出现相同的ASSERT错误。

If I remove all SetWindowText/SendMessage then the child window does come up modal like it should but the 'result' static text control is the same as the text I set it to in the dialog editor properties pane. 如果我删除所有SetWindowText / SendMessage,那么子窗口确实会出现模态,但“结果”静态文本控件与我在对话框编辑器属性窗格中设置的文本相同。

Thanks !!!!! 谢谢 !!!!!

*MORE DETAILS* ----------- *更多细节* -----------

void CResultsDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)    // DDX/DDV support
    DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_BMI, m_fBMI);
    DDV_MinMaxFloat(pDX, m_fBMI, 0, 100);
    DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BMI, m_hBMI);

The usual sequence when you start a dialog is: 启动对话框时的常用顺序是:

  • You call CDialog::DoModal. 你打电话给CDialog :: DoModal。
  • The dialog window gets created. 对话框窗口已创建。
  • The child controls of the dialog get created. 创建对话框的子控件。
  • OnInitDialog gets called. 调用OnInitDialog。
  • CDialog::OnInitDialog calls DoDataExchange. CDialog :: OnInitDialog调用DoDataExchange。
  • You have a DDX_Control call in your DoDataExchange method to map the child control to a member variable. 您在DoDataExchange方法中有一个DDX_Control调用,以将子控件映射到成员变量。

Notice that the member variables only get initialized at the end of that sequence. 请注意,成员变量仅在该序列的末尾初始化。 You're trying to use them way before, so you get a crash. 你之前尝试使用它们,所以你会崩溃。

Store the value you need for initialization in a member variable and take care of it in DoDataExchange. 将初始化所需的值存储在成员变量中,并在DoDataExchange中处理它。

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