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ASP.NET MVC DropDownList替代

[英]ASP.NET MVC DropDownList alternative

I'm using a dropdownlist for a field on a form, but with large amount of data retrieving from the server, makes the load of the page extremely slow. 我在表单上的字段使用下拉列表,但是从服务器检索大量数据,这使得页面的加载非常慢。 Do you have a solution to this problem? 您有解决此问题的方法吗?

Implement a free text like solution like: 实施类似解决方案的自由文本,例如:

  • when the user clicks on the text input you can pop up a dialog to query the users (you can add an additional search field and then load in a table the results, add a click on a row should add the user to the main form) 当用户单击文本输入时,您可以弹出一个对话框来查询用户(您可以添加其他搜索字段,然后将结果加载到表中,单击某行即可将用户添加到主表单中)
  • true free text expirience with deferred loading the matches like Facebook search does 真正的自由文本体验,延迟加载与Facebook搜索类似的匹配项

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