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[英]Navigation bar - why do I get borders?

I have searched but could not find a solution for this... I have a view controller in storyboard, and I want to add a navigation/toolbar bar under the status bar with a cancel button. 我已经搜索过,但找不到解决方案……我在情节提要中有一个视图控制器,我想在状态栏下添加一个带有取消按钮的导航/工具栏。 I can place a navigation bar using constraints, but I get unwanted borders around the navigation bar. 我可以使用约束放置导航栏,但是导航栏周围会出现不必要的边框。 How do I get rid of these? 我该如何摆脱这些?


原来,我已经为iOS 6自定义了UINavigationBar的外观,却忘记了禁用该代码。

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