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[英]why does it say that my class doesn't have the attribute?

here's my code: 这是我的代码:

class Regex:
    def __init__(self: 'Regex',
                    value: object =None, child: list =None, child2: list = None):  
        """node with value and any nummber of children"""
        list_of_regex = [0,1,2,'e','|','.','*']
        self.value = value
        if self.value not in list_of_regex:
                raise Exception
        if not child:
            self.child = []
        if not child2:
            self.child2 = []
            self.child = child[:]
            self.child = child2[:]

    def __repr__(self: 'Regex') -> str:
        return ('Regex(' + repr(self.value) + ', ' +
                        repr(self.child) + ', ' + repr(self.child2) + ')') 

when i input the following in my python shell: 当我在我的python shell中输入以下内容时:


the output is: 输出是:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 5.0\src\debug\tserver\_sandbox.py", line 1,     in <module>
    # Used internally for debug sandbox under external interpreter
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 5.0\src\debug\tserver\_sandbox.py", line 19,      in __repr__
builtins.AttributeError: 'Regex' object has no attribute 'child'

I'm not sure why it tells me that my class doesn't have the attribute 'child'. 我不确定为什么它告诉我我的班级没有属性'child'。 Look what happens when i try these two different calls. 看看当我尝试这两个不同的电话时会发生什么。

>>>c = Regex(1)

>>>c = Regex(1,[1])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
builtins.AttributeError: 'Regex' object has no attribute 'child'

what's wrong with the code? 代码有什么问题?

    if not child:
        self.child = []
    if not child2:
        self.child2 = []
        self.child = child[:]
        self.child = child2[:]

The else block here is linked to the second if . 这里的else块链接到第二个if It has no connection to the first if . 它与第一个if无关。 That means if child is specified and child2 is not, the second if block is the only one that triggers, and child isn't set. 这意味着如果指定了childchild2不是,则第二个if块是唯一触发的块,并且未设置child

Also, 也,

        self.child = child2[:]

you probably wanted to set the child2 attribute here. 你可能想在这里设置child2属性。

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