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[英]Linked List in Python- Append, Index, Insert, and Pop functions. Not sure with code/errors

This assignment asks us to implement the append, insert, index and pop methods for an unordered linked-list. 这个赋值要求我们为无序链表实现append,insert,index和pop方法。 (What I have so far) (到目前为止我有什么)

    def main():
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.next_node = None

class LinkedList:
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None
        self.tail = None

    def AppendNode(self, data):
        new_node = Node(data)

        if self.head == None:
            self.head = new_node

        if self.tail != None:
            self.tail.next = new_node

        self.tail = new_node
    def PrintList( self ):
        node = self.head

        while node != None:
            print (node.data)
            node = node.next

    def PopNode( self, index ):
        prev = None
        node = self.head
        i = 0

        while ( node != None ) and ( i < index ):
            prev = node
            node = node.next
            i += 1

        if prev == None:
            self.head = node.next
            prev.next = node.next

list = LinkedList()
list.PrintList( )

The output so far: 到目前为止的输出:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<pyshell#32>", line 1, in <module>
      File "<pyshell#31>", line 50, in main
        list.PrintList( )
      File "<pyshell#31>", line 27, in PrintList
        node = node.next
    AttributeError: 'Node' object has no attribute 'next'

I'm not sure why i'm getting the errors, since the code is technically working. 我不知道为什么我会收到错误,因为代码在技术上是有效的。 Also any input on the insert, and index functions would be greatly appreciated. 此外,对插入和索引函数的任何输入都将非常感激。

For insert and index methods you will need another Node attribute, because you'll need to keep track of which item is on what position. 对于insertindex方法,您将需要另一个Node属性,因为您需要跟踪哪个项位于哪个位置。 Let we call it position . 我们称之为position Your Node class will now look like this: 您的Node类现在看起来像这样:

class Node:
    def __init__(self, data, position = 0):
        self.data = data
        self.next_node = None
        self.position = position

Retrieving index value now is easy as: 现在检索索引值很简单:

def index(self,item):
    current = self.head
    while current != None:
        if current.data == item:
            return current.position
            current = current.next
    print ("item not present in list")

As for the list-altering methods, I would start with a simple add method which adds items to the leftmost position in the list: 至于列表更改方法,我将从一个简单的add方法开始,该方法将项添加到列表中最左边的位置:

def add(self,item):
        temp = Node(item)           #create a new node with the `item` value
        temp.next = self.head     #putting this new node as the first (leftmost) item in a list is a two-step process. First step is to point the new node to the old first (lefmost) value
        self.head = temp            #and second is to set `LinkedList` `head` attribute to point at the new node. Done!
        current = self.head         #now we need to correct position values of all items. We start by assigning `current` to the head of the list
        self.index_correct(current) #and we'll write helper `index_correct` method to do the actual work.
        current = self.head
        previous = None
        while current.position != self.size() - 1:
             previous = current
             current = current.next
             current.back = previous
        self.tail = current

What shall the index_correct method do? index_correct方法应该做什么? Just one thing - to traverse the list in order to correct index position of items, when we add new items (for example: add , insert etc.), or remove them ( remove , pop , etc.). 只需一件事 - 遍历列表以纠正项目的索引位置,当我们添加新项目(例如: addinsert等),或删除它们( removepop等)。 So here's what it should look like: 所以这就是它应该是什么样子:

def index_correct(self, value):
    position = 0
    while value != None:
        value.position = position
        position += 1
        value = value.next

It is plain simple. 这很简单。 Now, let's implement insert method, as you requested: 现在,让我们按照您的要求实现insert方法:

def insert(self,item,position):
    if position == 0:
    elif position > self.size():
        print("position index out of range")
    elif position == self.size():
        temp = Node(item, position)
        current = self.head
        previous = None
        while current.position != position:
            previous = current
            current = current.next
        previous.next = temp
        temp.next = current
        temp.back = previous
        current.back = temp
        current = self.head
def insert(self,item,position):
    if position==0:

    elif position>self.size():
        print("Position index is out of range")

    elif position==self.size():


        while current_position!=position:


Below is the implementation that I could come up with (tested and working). 以下是我可以提出的实施(测试和工作)。 It seems to be an old post, but I couldn't find the complete solution for this anywhere, so posting it here. 它似乎是一个旧帖子,但我找不到任何地方的完整解决方案,所以在这里发布。

# add -- O(1)
# size -- O(1) & O(n)
# append -- O(1) & O(n)
# search -- O(n)
# remove -- O(n)
# index -- O(n)
# insert -- O(n)
# pop -- O(n)  # can be O(1) if we use doubly linked list
# pop(k) -- O(k)

class Node:
    def __init__(self, initdata):
        self.data = initdata
        self.next = None

    def getData(self):
        return self.data

    def getNext(self):
        return self.next

    def setNext(self, newnext):
        self.next = newnext    

class UnorderedList:
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None
        self.tail = None
        self.length = 0

    def isEmpty(self):
        return self.head is None

    def add(self, item):
        temp = Node(item)
        self.head = temp
        if self.tail is None:
            self.tail = temp
        self.length += 1

    def ssize(self):  # This is O(n)

        current = self.head
        count = 0
        while current is not None:
            count += 1
            current = current.getNext()
        return count

    def size(self): # This is O(1)
        return self.length

    def search(self, item):
        current = self.head
        found = False
        while current is not None and not found:
            if current.getData() == item:
                found = True
                current = current.getNext()
        return found

    def remove(self,item):
        current = self.head
        previous = None
        found = False
        while current is not None and not found:
            if current.getData() == item:
                found = True
                previous = current
                current = current.getNext()
        if previous == None:
            # The item is the 1st item
            self.head = current.getNext()
            if current.getNext() is None:
                self.tail = previous  # in case the current tail is removed
        self.length -= 1

    def __str__(self):
        current = self.head
        string = '['
        while current is not None:
            string += str(current.getData())
            if current.getNext() is not None:
                string += ', '
            current = current.getNext()
        string += ']'
        return string

    def sappend(self, item):  # This is O(n) time complexity
        current = self.head
        if current:
            while current.getNext() is not None:
                current = current.getNext()
            self.head = Node(item)

    def append(self, item): # This is O(1) time complexity
        temp = Node(item)
        last = self.tail
        if last:
            self.head = temp
        self.tail = temp
        self.length += 1

    def insert(self, index, item):
        temp = Node(item)
        current = self.head
        previous = None
        count = 0
        found = False
        if index > self.length-1:
            raise IndexError('List Index Out Of Range')
        while current is not None and not found:
            if count == index:
                found = True
                previous = current
                current = current.getNext()
                count += 1
        if previous is None:
            self.head = temp
        self.length += 1

    def index(self, item):
        pos = 0
        current = self.head
        found = False
        while current is not None and not found:
            if current.getData() == item:
                found = True
                current = current.getNext()
                pos += 1
        if not found:
            raise ValueError('Value not present in the List')
        return pos

    def pop(self, index=None):
        if index is None:
            index = self.length-1
        if index > self.length-1:
            raise IndexError('List Index Out Of Range')
        current = self.head
        previous = None
        found = False
        if current:
            count = 0
            while current.getNext() is not None and not found:
                if count == index:
                    found = True
                    previous = current
                    current = current.getNext()
                    count += 1
            if previous is None:
                self.head = current.getNext()
                if current.getNext() is None:
                    self.tail = current.getNext()
                self.tail = previous
        self.length -= 1
        return current.getData()

Notice that in the Node class you defined the "next" field as "next_node". 请注意,在Node类中,您将“next”字段定义为“next_node”。 Therefore the interpreter doesn't know "next". 因此,口译员不知道“下一个”。 So, instead of node.next it should be node.next_node 因此,它应该是node.next_node而不是node.next

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