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Rails 4,茧宝石破坏了创建的对象

[英]Rails 4, cocoon gem destroying created objects

I have a big problem in my applications. 我的应用程序有个大问题。 It's little complicated so I will try explain it deeply. 它有点复杂,所以我将尝试深入解释。 In my application I have model "Car": 在我的应用程序中,我有模型“ Car”:

class Car < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :prices,  dependent: :destroy

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :prices, allow_destroy: true


and "Price": 和“价格”:

class Price < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :car

Im using wicked gem to have a wizard form. 我正在使用邪恶的宝石制作巫师表格。 Im also use a cocoon gem to easily create some nested objects. 我还使用茧子宝石轻松创建一些嵌套对象。 My "Payment step html": 我的“付款步骤html”:

= simple_form_for [:partners, @car], url: wizard_path do |f|
  = f.simple_fields_for :prices do |price|
    = render 'price_fields', f: price
    = link_to_add_association 'add price', f, :prices
  = link_to t('cars.back'), edit_partners_car_path(@car)
  = f.submit t('cars.next'), class: 'btn btn-primary'

And price_fields: 和price_fields:

        = f.input :from_days
        = f.input :to_days
        = f.input :netto_price
    = link_to_remove_association "X", f

And the problem is when I create some prices and go to the next step prices are saved into databse and everything is fine. 问题是当我创建一些价格并进行下一步时,价格已保存到数据库中,一切都很好。 But when I come back to this step and I click my: 但是,当我回到这一步并单击我的:

= link_to_remove_association "X", f

it only hide this object but not delete it from database. 它只会隐藏该对象,而不会从数据库中删除它。 It's big problem for me. 对我来说这是个大问题。 I can't find issue. 我找不到问题。 Please help if You can. 如果可以的话请帮忙。

i change my "_price_fields" to: 我将“ _price_fields”更改为:

        = f.input :from_days
        = f.input :to_days
        = f.input :netto_price
  = link_to_remove_association "X", f

my link_to_remove_association it was one level too deep... Now works like charm 我的link_to_remove_association太深了一级...现在像魅力一样工作

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