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[英]Access a node in a xml using Sax parsing

Am trying to parse a xml file ..and trying to read the employee nodes... 我正在尝试解析一个xml文件..并试图读取雇员节点...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <employee id="111">
        <employee id="211">
  <employee id="112">
  <employee id="113">

And in my handler ..I have the below... 在我的处理程序中..我有以下内容...

    class SaxHandler extends DefaultHandler{

public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName,
        Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {

        System.out.print("Its an employee ...and not an Secretary");
        /*for(int i=0;i< attributes.getLength();i++){
            System.out.print("Attr " +attributes.getQName(i)+ " Value " +attributes.getValue(i));


How can i know if the the employee is a secretary or not 我怎么知道员工是否是秘书

Regards 问候

You need to add another if inside startElement to detect the secretary start element event, and set a flag that you can test when you are inside the employee tag. 您需要在startElement内部添加另一个if以检测secretary开始元素事件,并设置一个标记,以便当您在employee标记内部时可以进行测试。 Then you reset the flag when you leave the secretary element. 然后,在离开secretary元素时重置标志。 For example 例如

class SaxHandler extends DefaultHandler {

     private boolean insideSecretaryTag = false;

     public void startElement(...) throws SAXException {

             if(insideSecretaryTag) {
                // this is a secretary
             } else {
                // not a secretary

             insideSecretaryTag = true;

     public void endElement(...) {
            insideSecretaryTag = false;

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