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[英]V8: create new variable scope

In JavaScript, when I enter a new function, I get a new local variable scope. 在JavaScript中,当我输入一个新函数时,会得到一个新的局部变量作用域。 Eg like this: 例如:

function f() {
     var x = 42; // this is in our local variable scope
     // other code

I want to do the same now in V8. 我现在想在V8中做同样的事情。 I have other code as a String and compile it via Script::Compile and run it via Script::Run . 我还有other code作为String ,并通过Script::Compile ,并通过Script::Run

Right now, I create a new Context but I think this is total overkill. 现在,我创建了一个新的Context但是我认为这完全是矫kill过正。 It also means that I have to reinit my globals in the new context. 这也意味着我必须在新的上下文中重新初始化全局变量。

If I understand correctly, you want to get your C++ side script to run in a new isolated context, I assume because you don't want it accidentally aliasing or modifying the global environment. 如果我理解正确,那么我想假设您希望使C ++辅助脚本在新的隔离上下文中运行,因为您不希望它意外地别名或修改全局环境。 In that case, before you execute your code, do this: 在这种情况下,在执行代码之前,请执行以下操作:

std::string sScopedCode = "(function(){" + sYourCode + "})();"

That will ensure the code in sYourCode is kept isolated from other invocations you might make. 这样可以确保sYourCode中的代码与您可能进行的其他调用保持隔离。

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