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SQL Azure - 导出和导入到另一个数据库时,为什么数据库大小要小得多

[英]SQL Azure - Why is database size is much smaller when export and import to another database

Currently my SQL Azure database size is 8GB. 目前我的SQL Azure数据库大小为8GB。 When I export the database to a bacpac file, and then import the bacpac file to a new SQL Azure database, the size of the new database is around 2.5 GB 当我将数据库导出到bacpac文件,然后将bacpac文件导入新的SQL Azure数据库时,新数据库的大小约为2.5 GB

Thats a huge difference in the sizes for the same data. 这是相同数据大小的巨大差异。

Anybody knows why this could be happening? 谁知道为什么会发生这种情况?

(I'm using the automated backup feature in the web based Azure admin area at manage.windowsazure.com. And I use the import feature in the same admin area to import the newly created bacpac to a new database) (我在manage.windowsazure.com的基于Web的Azure管理区域中使用自动备份功能。我使用同一管理区域中的导入功能将新创建的bacpac导入新数据库)

Thanks 谢谢

Backup would not contain as much log information. 备份不会包含尽可能多的日志信息。 As well, fragmentation could have made the database grow in size and backup/restore defragmented it. 同样,碎片可能会使数据库的大小增加,备份/恢复会对其进行碎片整理。

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