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[英]Evaluating a string with a numerical expression with sympy?

I coded a function for evaluating the numeric expression of Lagrange Interpolation polynomial: 我编写了一个函数来评估拉格朗日插值多项式的数值表达式:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#coding: utf8 
from sympy import *
import json

def polinomioLagrange(Xs, Ys, t):

    x = Symbol('x')
    expresion = ''
    for k in range(len(Xs)):

        if k >0: #Si no es el primero ni el último término de la sumatoria
            expresion = expresion + '+' + str(Ys[k]) + '*'
        elif k==0:
            expresion = expresion + str(Ys[k]) + '*'

        expresion = expresion + '('

        for i in range(len(Xs)):
            if k==i:
                continue # Si i==k saltamos esta iteración para eliminar división sobre cero

            expresion = expresion + '(' + '3' + '-' + str(Xs[i]) + ')'

            if k != len(Xs)-1 and i!= len(Xs)-1:

            #expresion = expresion + '(' + str(a) + '-' + str(Xs[i]) +' )' + '/' + '(' + str(Xs[k]) + '-' + str(Xs[i]) + ')'

        expresion = expresion + '/'

        for i in range(len(Xs)):
            if k==i:
                continue # Si i==k saltamos esta iteración para eliminar división sobre cero        
            expresion = expresion + '(' + str(Xs[k]) + '-' + str(Xs[i]) + ')'

            if i != len(Xs)-1 and k != len(Xs)-1:
            print expresion
            print k, i
            ewa = raw_input('Prompt :')
        expresion = expresion + ')'

    print expresion

When I call the function with lagrange([0,1,2,4],[-1,0,7,63],3) I get the output: 当我用lagrange([0,1,2,4],[-1,0,7,63],3)调用函数时lagrange([0,1,2,4],[-1,0,7,63],3)我得到输出:


Which is actually OK, however, if I try sympify(expresion) I get the error output: 这实际上没问题,但是,如果我尝试sympify(expresion)我会得到错误输出:

  code, global_dict, local_dict) # take local objects in preference File "<string>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: 'NegativeOne' object is not callable 

I understand that might be cause there's a -1 there in the string but ... How could I simply get the expression evaluated? 我明白这可能是因为字符串中有一个-1但是......我怎么能简单地得到表达式?

It's all about the expression ( string so far) having a right format: 这是关于具有正确格式的表达式( string到目前为止):

My algorithm wasn't OK 我的算法不行

And so was getting: 得到了:


With some missing * At last term: 有些人遗失*在上学期:

If I do: 如果我做:

from sympy import *

expression = '7*((3-1)*(3-2)*(3-4)/(0-1)*(0-2)*(0-4))+0*((3-0)*(3-2)*(3-4)/(1-0)*(1-2)*(1-4))+-1*((3-0)*(3-1)*(3-4)/(2-0)*(2-1)*(2-4))+63*((3-0)*(3-1)*(3-2)/(4-0)*(4-1)*(4-2))'
y = S(expression)

That would simply work and I will get what I want. 那只会起作用,我会得到我想要的东西。

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