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[英]JavaScript - Calling the click function more than once would not work

I am making a text adventure game, which would require user input in the form of a element in html, which would send the user input to JavaScript using the click function: 我正在制作一个文本冒险游戏,它将要求用户以html元素的形式输入用户信息,然后使用click函数将用户输入信息发送给JavaScript:

<!-- HTML CODE -->
<div class="game">
    <div id="gamebox">
        <a name="game"></a>
        <!-- Javascript writes to here (if it works :( ) -->
    <div id="inputbox">
        <input type="text" id="userinput" placeholder="Input" value="" />
        <a href="#game" id="btn-quest" class="button" style="float: right">Go!</a>

As you can see above, I have a element and a "Go!" 如您在上面看到的,我有一个元素和一个“ Go!”。 button, which sends it to my JavaScript code. 按钮,将其发送到我的JavaScript代码。 In JavaScript, first I define 3 variables where I would output my text. 在JavaScript中,首先定义3个变量,将在其中输出文本。

//JavaScript Code

var txt_input = $("#userinput");
var btn_quest = $("#btn-quest");

I would than define 2 other functions, which allows me to write into the . 然后我将定义2个其他函数,这使我可以写入。 I would than have other functions, which are for the storyline of the text adventure game. 我将拥有其他功能,用于文本冒险游戏的故事情节。 However, the root of the problem is that I can't seem to progress past the second event. 但是,问题的根源在于我似乎无法超越第二个事件。 Here are my events: 这是我的活动:

function wakeUp() {
  displayGame("You wake up, at stackoverflow. West or east? [Choose 'west' or 'east']");
    "click": function() {
      // Begin input preproccessing
      var input = txt_input.val().toLowerCase();
      // If/else block for choice here
      if (input === "west") {
        //Paste btn_quest here for new event
      } else if (input === "east") {
        //Paste btn_quest here for new event
      } else {
        //Error handler - do not modify
        txt_input.val("Error - enter a valid choice");
    //End of if else block body

The first event function would work perfectly, and write to my html, and accept the first user choice. 第一个事件函数可以完美运行,并写入我的html,并接受用户的第一个选择。 However, at the next event, no matter what it is, (goEast() or goWest()), my program aways displays "Error - enter a valid choice"). 但是,在下一个事件中,无论它是什么(goEast()或goWest()),我的程序都会显示“错误-输入有效选择”。 Right now, my hypothesis is that the "switch" function isn't working correctly. 现在,我的假设是“开关”功能无法正常工作。 However, I honestly don't know. 但是,老实说我不知道​​。 What is the issue here, and how can I fix it? 这是什么问题,我该如何解决? The other event functions (etc goEast) are exactly the same as the wakeUp function, except with different displayGame() strings and link to other event functions. 除了具有不同的displayGame()字符串和指向其他事件函数的链接之外,其他事件函数(例如goEast)与唤醒函数完全相同。

I have not included the full code, in order to keep my code short - but here is the full html/css/javascript if needed: http://plnkr.co/edit/55heHh4k5QEIVYdBrWGB?p=preview 为了使我的代码简短,我没有包括完整的代码-但如果需要,这里是完整的html / css / javascript: http : //plnkr.co/edit/55heHh4k5QEIVYdBrWGB?p=preview

Edit: I tried to implement the suggestion, like this: But It seems that JavaScript doesn't even get the userinput anymore. 编辑:我试图实现建议,像这样:但是似乎JavaScript甚至不再获得用户输入。 When I try to submit the user's response, nothing happens. 当我尝试提交用户的回复时,什么都没有发生。 What went wrong? 什么地方出了错? I did the same thing here with all of my functions in the game: 我在游戏中的所有功能都做了相同的事情:

function wakeUp() {
  displayGame("You wake up at stackoverflow again, but it didn't work. Go West or east again?");
  // btn_quest.off("click").on("click",function()){
    "click", function() {
      // Begin input preproccessing
      var input = txt_input.val().toLowerCase();
      // If/else block for choice here
      if (input === "walk") {
        //Paste btn_quest here for new event
      } else if (input === "bus") {
        //Paste btn_quest here for new event
      } else {
        //Error handler - do not modify
        txt_input.val("Error - enter a valid choice");
    //End of if else block body
  //End of function. Copy until line under this comment V

What did I do wrong? 我做错了什么? Can you please show a example using this function? 您可以举一个使用此功能的例子吗?

You need to look at all the code to see the problem. 您需要查看所有代码才能看到问题。 The reason is because you keep binding to the element so multiple click events are being triggered. 原因是因为您一直绑定到元素,所以触发了多个单击事件。 You need to remove the last click 您需要删除最后一次点击


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