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Codeigniter Restful API无法正常工作

[英]Codeigniter Restful API not working

I have a Codeigniter setup where I installed the Restful API thing. 我有一个Codeigniter设置,在其中安装了Restful API。 I created an API-folder in my application->controller->api and after that i created an API which looks like this: 我在application->controller->api创建了一个API文件夹,然后创建了一个如下所示的API:



class Allartists extends REST_Controller{

function artists_get()
        $this->response(NULL, 400);

    $artists = $this->artist_model->get( $this->get('artist_id') );

        $this->response($artists, 200);
        $this->response(array('error' => 'Couldn\'t find any artists!'), 404);


In my application->models -folder I have the file artist_model.php which looks like this: 在我的application->models -folder中,有文件artist_model.php ,如下所示:


Class artist_model extends CI_Model
   function get_all_artists(){
    return $this->db->get();


So, when I type http://localhost/myprojects/ci/index.php/api/Allartists/artists/ I get 400 - Bad Request -error... when I type http://localhost/myprojects/ci/index.php/api/Allartists/artists/artist_id/100 I get PHP error Undefined property: Allartists::$artist_model - So what is going on here? 因此,当我输入http://localhost/myprojects/ci/index.php/api/Allartists/artists/我得到400 - Bad Request -错误...当我输入http://localhost/myprojects/ci/index.php/api/Allartists/artists/artist_id/100我收到PHP错误Undefined property: Allartists::$artist_model那么这是怎么回事?

You need to load your model. 您需要加载模型。 Add a constructor to Allartists and load it. Allartists添加一个构造Allartists并加载它。

class Allartists extends REST_Controller{

   function __construct(){

    // ...

PS Your model needs to have the 1st letter in its class name capitalized (see: http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/general/models.html ): PS:您的模型需要在其类名中使用第一个字母大写(请参阅: http : //ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/general/models.html ):

class Artist_model extends CI_Model{
    // ...

UPDATE: You are looking for $this->get('artist_id') . 更新:您正在寻找$this->get('artist_id') This will never be set as you are not sending a $_GET['artist_id'] value ( ?artist_id=100 in the URL). 由于您没有发送$_GET['artist_id']值(URL中的?artist_id=100 ,因此将永远不会设置该值。 You need to get the $artist_id another way in your controller. 您需要以其他方式在控制器中获取$artist_id

function artists_get($artist_id=FALSE)
    if($artist_id === FALSE)
        $this->response(NULL, 400);

    $artists = $this->artist_model->get( $artist_id );

        $this->response($artists, 200);
        $this->response(array('error' => 'Couldn\'t find any artists!'), 404);

Then go to: 然后转到:


Or , keeping your current code, you could simply change the URL to: 或者 ,保留当前代码,您只需将URL更改为:


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