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[英]PHP accessing child's and grandchild's static properties from parent

Given the following class hierarchy of in general unknown depth: 给定以下类层次结构的一般未知深度:

class P
    protected static $var = 'foo';

    public function dostuff()
        print self::$var;


class Child extends P
    protected static $var = 'bar';

    public function dostuff()
        print self::$var;

class GrandChild extends Child
    protected static $var = 'baz';

    public function dostuff()
        print self::$var;

$c = new GrandChild;
$c->dostuff(); //prints "foobarbaz"

Can I somehow get rid of the redefinitions of dostuff() while maintaining functionality? 在保持功能的同时,我可以以某种方式摆脱dostuff()的重新定义吗?

This should do it 这应该做到这一点

class P
    protected static $var = 'foo';

    public function dostuff()
        $hierarchy = $this->getHierarchy();
        foreach($hierarchy as $class)
            echo $class::$var;

    public function getHierarchy()
        $hierarchy = array();
        $class = get_called_class();
        do {
            $hierarchy[] = $class;
        } while (($class = get_parent_class($class)) !== false);
        return array_reverse($hierarchy);


class Child extends P
    protected static $var = 'bar';

class GrandChild extends Child
    protected static $var = 'baz';  

$c = new GrandChild;

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