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[英]How can I learn array database Rasdaman easily?

I'm working at VietNam - HaNoi National University and I've a research at BigData satellite raster image by array database. 我在越南河内国立大学工作,并且在BigData卫星栅格图像按阵列数据库进行的研究中。

A solution is using Rasdaman database which has been developed many years. 一种解决方案是使用已经开发多年的Rasdaman数据库。 I've installed this server successfully, try to make some query with this by using this guide from rasdaman.org. 我已经成功安装了该服务器,请尝试使用rasdaman.org的指南对此进行一些查询。 Everything should be ok but I've known that this has a GUI tool name Rview. 一切都应该没问题,但是我知道它有一个GUI工具名称Rview。

I can't search Rview from any where (may be it's too old), I need some GUI tool because I some time don't really know what is error in my query and I need some tool that can show me the result (2D, 3D) with interractive viewer. 我无法从任何地方搜索Rview(可能是太旧了),我需要一些GUI工具,因为我有时不真正知道查询中的错误,并且需要一些可以向我显示结果的工具(2D ,3D)和互动式查看器。

Please tell me how can I get a tool that can have GUI as MS SQL Database management tool, Phpmyadmin,... 请告诉我如何获得可以将GUI作为MS SQL数据库管理工具Phpmyadmin等的工具。

Rview (recently renamed to rasdaview actually, to avoid clashing with vim) is a GUI client for rasdaman that allows to send queries and has some cool visualization capabilities for 1D to 3D data. Rview(实际上最近被重命名为rasdaview,以避免与vim冲突)是rasdaman的GUI客户端,它可以发送查询,并具有从1D到3D数据的出色可视化功能。

The problem with rasdaview is that it has been last compiled 10+ years ago against wxWidgets 1.6x and the code is so outdated and incompatible with recent wxWidgets that it's not possible to compile it anymore without significant rewriting. rasdaview的问题在于它是在10年前针对wxWidgets 1.6x进行了最后一次编译,并且代码已经过时且与最新的wxWidgets不兼容,以至于在不进行大量重写的情况下就无法对其进行编译。

So rasdaman comes with this rview binary, which amazingly still works on most systems today. 因此rasdaman带有此rview二进制文件,该二进制文件现在仍可在大多数系统上运行。 However, since it's not possible to compile it, it's a bit tricky to get it running. 但是,由于无法编译,因此使其运行有点棘手。 These guidelines should help you. 这些准则将为您提供帮助。

Are you looking for a website where you can execute your DDL or DML statements? 您是否正在寻找可以执行DDL或DML语句的网站?

If yes then try SQL Fiddle . 如果是,请尝试使用SQL Fiddle

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