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[英]Python: reading text, readlines() vs iter()

I have a text file, with blocks of text, each separated by a line break. 我有一个文本文件,其中包含文本块,每个文本块之间都由一个换行符分隔。 There are M blocks, each with N lines of text. M个块,每个块有N行文本。 I now want to read n lines for each of m blocks, where n<=N and m<=M . 我现在想为m个块中的每个块读取n行,其中n<=Nm<=M

I have tried something similar to the following: 我已经尝试过类似以下内容:

num_blocks = 4 # or whatever value I choose
num_lines = 3 # or whatever value I choose

with open('file.txt', 'r') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    block_num = 0
    line_num = 0
    for line in lines:
        # do something with the line .....
        line_num += 1
        # has the specified number of lines been read?
        if line_num == num_lines:
            block_num += 1
            # has the specified number of blocks been read?
            if block_num == num_blocks:
                line_num = 0

However, when n<N , I need to skip over the remaining lines in the current block. 但是,当n<N ,我需要跳过当前块中的其余行。 I have tried putting 我试过了

if line != '\n':

next to # do something with the line ..... , but this then skips the entire first block. # do something with the line .....旁边# do something with the line ..... ,但这会跳过整个第一个程序段。

Alternatively, I have tried creating an iterator it = lines.iter() and incrementing each one accordingly. 另外,我尝试创建一个迭代器it = lines.iter()并相应地递增每个迭代器。 The problem with this approach is that there is no way of knowing when the end of the file has been reached. 这种方法的问题是无法知道何时到达文件末尾。 readlines() does this for me, but I don't know how to know when the last line has been reached if I am using an interator. readlines()为我完成了此操作,但如果使用中介程序,我不知道如何知道何时到达最后一行。

Any help? 有什么帮助吗? Thanks! 谢谢!

You can test for the end of an iterator like so: 您可以像这样测试迭代器的结尾:

except StopIteration:
    *do something*

The StopIteration Exception is what an iterator throws when there is nothing left to iterate. StopIteration Exception是在没有任何要迭代的情况下抛出的迭代器。

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