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[英]accidentally deleted mysql database

I was working with netbean's database explorer (services tab) and accidentally deleted one of the databases. 我正在与netbean的数据库浏览器(“服务”选项卡)一起使用,并意外删除了其中一个数据库。

I was trying to connect to a database and there were 2 options in the context menu for connecting. 我试图连接到数据库,并且上下文菜单中有2个连接选项。

1)Connect 2)Delete 1)连接2)删除

I accidentally hit delete. 我不小心点击了删除。 It did not even ask me for confirmation. 它甚至没有要求我确认。 Is there anyway to recover the database? 反正有恢复数据库吗?

I don't have access to mysql server. 我无权访问mysql服务器。 I can just connect to the database using mysql workbench. 我可以使用mysql工作台连接到数据库。

Thanks a ton! 万分感谢!

If you have the binary logging enabled, then you might have a chance to use it to restore your database. 如果启用了二进制日志记录,则可能有机会使用它来还原数据库。
Else use an older backup and restore it ! 否则,请使用较旧的备份并将其还原!

To find binary logs status : 要查找二进制日志状态:

mysql> show variables like '%bin%';
| Variable_name                   | Value                |
| binlog_cache_size               | 32768                |
| innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog  | OFF                  |
| log_bin                         | OFF                  |
| log_bin_trust_function_creators | OFF                  |
| max_binlog_cache_size           | 18446744073709547520 |
| max_binlog_size                 | 1073741824           |
| sync_binlog                     | 0                    |
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