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[英]jooq- fetching a single value

I had a question.. Why do I have repeat what I have selected in the fetch method. 我有一个问题..为什么我重复了我在fetch方法中选择的内容。

Date minDate = getDSLContext()

So I have provided CON_CAL_INSTANCE.DATE.min() in my select clause, why do I have to repeat it in fetchOne(CON_CAL_INSTANCE.DATE.min()) ? 所以我在select子句中提供了CON_CAL_INSTANCE.DATE.min() ,为什么我必须在fetchOne(CON_CAL_INSTANCE.DATE.min())重复它?

Or am I not doing this right? 或者我不是这样做的吗?

You're doing it right. 你说得对。 The way the jOOQ DSL is constructed with Java generics, your ResultQuery<Record1<Date>> doesn't "know" it is selecting only a single value, even if the ResultQuery uses Record1 as a row type. 使用Java泛型构建jOOQ DSL的方式,即使ResultQuery使用Record1作为行类型, ResultQuery<Record1<Date>>也不会“知道”它只选择单个值。

Apart from repeating the column, you have some other options: 除了重复列之外,您还有其他一些选择:

ResultQuery<Record1<Date>> query = // ...

// Use two method calls (this may result in a NullPointerException!
// as fetchOne() may return null):
Date date1 = query.fetchOne().value1();

// Use fetchValue():
Date date2 = getDSLContext().fetchValue(query);

See also the DSLContext.fetchValue() Javadoc . 另请参见DSLContext.fetchValue() Javadoc

Using a more LINQ-style syntax 使用更多LINQ风格的语法

On a side-note, there had been discussions in the past about using a more LINQ-style syntax in the jOOQ API: 在旁注中,过去曾讨论过在jOOQ API中使用更多LINQ风格的语法:

from Table
where Predicates
select Projection

What may look like a good idea at first is raising new questions: 一开始看起来好主意的是提出新问题:

  1. What about the ORDER BY , FOR UPDATE clauses, which should still be placed after SELECT . ORDER BYFOR UPDATE子句怎么样,应该在SELECT之后放置。 ( See this post for details ). 有关详细信息,请参阅此帖子 )。
  2. What about set operations, like UNION , INTERSECT and EXCEPT . 如何设置操作,如UNIONINTERSECTEXCEPT

I've also written about the difference between lexical and logical order of operations in SQL, here 我还在这里写了关于SQL中词法和逻辑运算顺序之间的区别

These open issues made us stick with the standard SQL syntax. 这些开放性问题使我们坚持使用标准的SQL语法。

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