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[英]What is logic behind the output of following code?

I executed following piece of code: 我执行了以下代码:

int a[] = {5,1,15,20,25};
int i,j,m;
i = ++a[1];
j = a[1]++;
m = a[i++];
printf("%d %d %d",i,j,m);

and I got output as follow :- 我得到的输出如下:

3 2 15

The part which I don't understand is how I got value of i as 3 我不明白的是我如何得到的价值i作为3

It should be 2 right? 应该是2对吧?

Or is it related with C compiler's right to left evaluation of printf() statement? 还是与C编译器从右到左评估printf()语句有关?

m = a[i++]行第二次将i从2递增到3。

What is a[1] ? 什么是a[1] It's 1. What's is ++a[1] ? 是1.什么是++a[1] It's 2. i is now 2, so far so good. 现在是2。 i现在是2,到目前为止一切都很好。

But when you calculate m , you have a[i++]; 但是,当您计算m ,您有a[i++]; , i now is 3 (Note that m will be a[2] - i increments after the evaluation). i现在是3(请注意, m将为a[2] i 求值递增)。

i = ++a[1];

Pre-increment operator. 预递增运算符。 a[1] becomes 2, then i becomes 2; a[1]变为2,然后i变为2;

j = a[1]++;

Post-incement operator. 增后运算符。 j becomes 2, then a[1] becomes 3. j变成2,然后a[1]变成3。

m = a[i++];

Post-increment operator. 后增量运算符。 m becomes a[2] = 15, then i becomes 3. m变成a[2] = 15,然后i变成3。

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