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[英]How do I find the maximum value of an attribute value in an XML file?

I have an XML file with the following structure: 我有一个XML文件,具有以下结构:

     <childelement id="0" />
     <childelement id="1" />

I want to find the highest numeric value of the id attribute 我想找到id属性的最高数值

The idea I have in mind is something like: 我想到的想法是这样的:

int highest = -1;
foreach(var node in xmldoc.SelectNodes("//doc/rootelement/childelement"))
    highest = Math.Max(GetID(node), highest);

where GetID(XMLNode) would retrieve the value of the attribute of the current node. 其中GetID(XMLNode)将检索当前节点的属性值。

Is there a more compact (or more efficient) XPath expression to do that? 是否有更紧凑(或更有效)的XPath表达式来做到这一点?

You can use Linq to Xml: 你可以使用Linq到Xml:

var xdoc = XDocument.Load(path_to_xml);
var maxId = xdoc.XPathSelectElements("//doc/rootelement/childelement")
                .Max(c => (int)c.Attribute("id"));

Or without XPath: 或者没有XPath:

var maxId = xdoc.Root.Elements("rootelement")
                .Max(c => (int)c.Attribute("id"));

With XmlDocument: 使用XmlDocument:

var maxId = doc.SelectNodes("//doc/rootelement/childelement")
               .Max(c => Int32.Parse(c.Attributes["id"].Value));

Use Linq to XML. 使用Linq to XML。

string xml = 
        <childelement id='0' />
        <childelement id='1' />

var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
int max = doc.Descendants("childelement").Max(e => (int)e.Attribute("id"));

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