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[英]List filenames and folder paths on csv using batch file

I have a batch file that lists the full file directories (including filename at the end) onto a csv file. 我有一个批处理文件,其中列出了完整文件目录(末尾包括文件名)到csv文件中。 I need it to produce this, but also just the filename in a separate column. 我需要它来生成此文件,也需要它在单独的列中的文件名。 I would like it so that the format is Filename in first column (including extension) and full file directory in second column. 我希望它的格式为第一列(包括扩展名)为“文件名”,第二列为完整的文件目录。 The batch file I currently have is: 我当前拥有的批处理文件是:

dir C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test\Files\*.tif /b /s >>

EDIT: I forgot to mention the 'Files' folder contains many subfolders so I need it to process all files from all these subfolders. 编辑:我忘了提到“文件”文件夹包含许多子文件夹,因此我需要它来处理所有这些子文件夹中的所有文件。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

You just need to do this: 您只需要这样做:

@echo off

set "in=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test\Files\*.tif"
set "out=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test\Output.csv"

if not exist "%out%" type nul>"%out%"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b/s %in%') do (
    >>%out% echo "%%~nxa","%%a"

Iterate and write ( help for for info on the %~ variable modifiers): 迭代并编写(有关%~变量修饰符的信息的help for ):

@echo off
cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test\Files
for %%f in (*.tif) do echo "%%~nxf","%%~dpf" >> Output.csv

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