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[英]Rake Task timing out on Heroku - Move Rake task to worker using Sidekiq

I recently realized that my rake tasks can time out on Heroku, and I happen to have...a lot of them. 我最近意识到,我的耙子任务可能会在Heroku上超时,而我碰巧有很多。

Here is an example of my rake task: 这是我的瑞克任务的一个示例:

namespace :test do

  desc "Test Rake Task"
  task get_list: :environment do
    require 'net/ftp'
    sftp = Net::SFTP.start('ftp.test.com','luigi', :password => 'pass_word')
    records = sftp.download!("luigi/list.xml")
    records_hash = Hash.from_xml(records)
    records_hash['Report']['Details'].each do |record|
      contact = Contact.create(              
          first_name: record['FirstName'],
          last_name: record['LastName'],
          date_of_birth: record['DateofBirth']
      if contact.valid?
        puts "Created contact"
        puts "Invalid contact"

I think that I need to move this to a background worker. 认为我需要将其移交给后台工作者。 It could take 5+ minutes to loop through this task and add each contact to the database. 完成此任务并将每个联系人添加到数据库可能需要5分钟以上的时间。 I would like to use Sidekiq , but I've never used "workers" or set this up before. 我想使用Sidekiq ,但是我从未使用过“ workers”或进行过设置。

In general, how would I go about setting Sidekiq up to run on Heroku, and then move the above task to a background worker? 通常,我将如何设置Sidekiq使其在Heroku上运行,然后将上述任务移交给后台工作人员? I would like for this "worker" or "task" to be scheduled once a week, Monday mornings at 8 am. 我希望这个“工人”或“任务”计划每周一次,星期一上午8点安排。

My app settings: 我的应用程序设置:


web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb

I am using a postgres Database, Rails 4.0.0, ruby 2.0.0, and as I mentioned earlier my app is hosted on Heroku. 我正在使用Postgres数据库,Rails 4.0.0,ruby 2.0.0,并且正如我之前提到的,我的应用程序托管在Heroku上。

You should follow the Sidekiq documentation and get it setup for Heroku. 您应该遵循Sidekiq文档并为Heroku进行设置。

One you have Sidekiq running, I recommend the following architecture: 您正在运行Sidekiq的一种,我建议使用以下体系结构:

  • ContactListWorker : downloads list, enqueues a contact update job for each ContactListWorker :下载列表,为每个列表排队一个联系人更新作业
  • ContactWorker : given details, create/update a contact ContactWorker :提供详细信息,创建/更新联系人
  • rake task contacts:nightly_update to queue up ContactListWorker job 耙任务contacts:nightly_update将ContactListWorker作业排队

Here's some rough pseudo code to show what that architecture might look like: 这是一些粗略的伪代码,以显示该体系结构可能是什么样的:

# rake contact:nightly_sync_list
namespace :contacts do
  desc "Test Rake Task"
  nightly_list_sync: :environment do

class ContactListWorker
  require 'net/ftp'
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform()
    sftp = Net::SFTP.start('ftp.test.com','luigi', :password => 'pass_word')
    records = sftp.download!("luigi/list.xml")
    records_hash = Hash.from_xml(records)
    records_hash['Report']['Details'].each {|record| ContactWorker.perform_async(record) }

class ContactWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(record)
    contact = Contact.create(
      first_name: record['FirstName'],
      last_name: record['LastName'],
      date_of_birth: record['DateofBirth']
    if contact.valid?
      puts "Created contact"
      puts "Invalid contact"

end 结束

This architecture allows you to asynchronously kick off one background ContactListWorker job. 这种体系结构允许您异步启动一个后台ContactListWorker作业。 This job will do the download and quickly enqueue N ContactWorker jobs asynchronously. 该作业将完成下载并迅速使N ContactWorker作业ContactWorker队。 This allows you to fan-out the processing across multiple Sidekiq workers and threads to distribute the processing. 这使您可以在多个Sidekiq工作器和线程之间展开处理,以分发处理。

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