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[英]Calling onUpgrade() in SQLiteOpenHelper

I know that this has been asked a million times. 我知道这已被问了一百万次。 However, I do not find a way to call onUpgrade() within my subclass 但是,我找不到在我的subclass调用onUpgrade()的方法

I have an SQLite DataBase already built in a SQLite Manager which works properly. 我已经在SQLite Manager构建了一个SQLite DataBase ,它可以正常工作。 I would like the user to create an additional table within the app. 我希望用户在应用程序中创建一个额外的表。 So, as far as I have read, I have to do it in onUpgrade 所以,据我所知,我必须在onUpgrade

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

String DB_PATH =null;

private static String DB_NAME = "CompositionFoodTable_LatinAmerica";

private SQLiteDatabase myDataBase; 

private final Context myContext;

public FoodDataBaseHelper(Context context) {

    super(context, DB_NAME, null, 2); //Constructor with newer version
    //However I am not sure about this because when I run a query within the manager
    //to check the version, it throws 0
    this.myContext = context;
    DB_PATH = context.getApplicationInfo().dataDir + "/databases/";
    // I am not calling getReadableDatabase() or getWriteable(). They destroy my
    //current version 


public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {

    // Drop older plates table if existed
    String CREATE_PRODUCT_TABLE = null;
    try {
        for (int i = oldVersion + 1; i <= newVersion; i++) {

                    "NAME TEXT, " + 
                    "DATE TEXT, " +
                    "SERVING_SIZE_G TEXT, " +

                    "H20_PERC TEXT, " +
                    "ENERGY_KCAL TEXT, " +
                    "PROTEIN_G TEXT, " + 
                    "TOTAL_FAT_G TEXT, " +

                    "CARBS_G TEXT, " +
                    "TOT_DIET_FIBER_G TEXT, " +
                    "ASH_G TEXT, " +
                    "CALCIUM_MG TEXT, " +

                    "PHOSPHORUS_MG TEXT, " +
                    "IRON_MG TEXT, " +
                    "THIAMINE_MG TEXT, " +
                    "RIBOFLAVIN_MG TEXT, " +

                    "NIACIN_MG TEXT, " +
                    "VIT_C_MG TEXT, " +
                    "VIT_A_EQUIV_RETINOL_MCG TEXT, " +
                    "MUFA_G TEXT, " +

                    "PUFA_G TEXT, " +
                    "SATURATED_FATTY_ACIDS_G TEXT, " +
                    "CHOLESTEROL_MG TEXT, " +
                    "POTASSIUM_MG TEXT, " +

                    "SODIUM_MG TEXT, " +
                    "ZINC_MG TEXT, " +
                    "MAGNESIUM_MG TEXT, " +
                    "VIT_B6_MG TEXT, " +

                    "VIT_B12_MCG TEXT, " +
                    "FOLIC_AC_MCG TEXT, " +
                    "FOLATE_EQUIV_FD_MCG TEXT, " +
                    "EDIBLE_FRACTION_PERC TEXT)";


            // create plates table
        } finally{

            // Future schema changes has to go into this loop


Rest of my methods: 我的其他方法:

 * Creates a empty database on the system and rewrites it with your own database.
 * */
public void createDataBase() throws IOException{

    boolean dbExist = checkDataBase();

        //do nothing - database already exist

        //By calling this method and empty database will be created into the default system path
           //of your application so we are going to be able to overwrite that database with our database.

        try {

        } catch (IOException e) {

            throw new Error("Error copying database");



 * Check if the database already exist to avoid re-copying the file each time you open the application.
 * @return true if it exists, false if it doesn't
private boolean checkDataBase(){
    boolean checkdb = false;
        String myPath = myContext.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath().replace("files", "databases")+File.separator + DB_NAME;
        File dbfile = new File(myPath);                
        checkdb = dbfile.exists();
    catch(SQLiteException e){
        System.out.println("Database doesn't exist");

    return checkdb;

 * Copies your database from your local assets-folder to the just created empty database in the
 * system folder, from where it can be accessed and handled.
 * This is done by transferring bytestream.
 * */
private void copyDataBase() throws IOException{

    //Open your local db as the input stream
    InputStream myInput = myContext.getAssets().open(DB_NAME);

    // Path to the just created empty db
    String outFileName = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;

    //Open the empty db as the output stream
    OutputStream myOutput = new FileOutputStream(outFileName);

    //transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    int length;
    while ((length = myInput.read(buffer))>0){
        myOutput.write(buffer, 0, length);

    //Close the streams


public void openDataBase() throws SQLException{

    //Open the database
    String myPath = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
    myDataBase = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);


public synchronized void close() {

        if(myDataBase != null)



public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    // SQL statement to create plate table


However, I do not find a way to call onUpgrade() within my subclass 但是,我找不到在我的子类中调用onUpgrade()的方法

You don't call onUpgrade() yourself. 不要自己调用onUpgrade() SQLiteOpenHelper will call onUpgrade() if and when it is needed. 如果需要, SQLiteOpenHelper将调用onUpgrade()

I have an SQLite DataBase already built in a SQLite Manager which works properly. 我已经在SQLite Manager中构建了一个SQLite DataBase,它可以正常工作。

If you want to package a SQLite database with your app, please consider switching to SQLiteAssetHelper . 如果要将SQLite数据库与应用程序打包在一起,请考虑切换到SQLiteAssetHelper

I would like the user to create an additional table within the app. 我希望用户在应用程序中创建一个额外的表。 So, as far as I have read, I have to do it in onUpgrade 所以,据我所知,我必须在onUpgrade中完成

No. onUpgrade() is for when the developer ships a new version of an app that requires a new database schema. 编号onUpgrade()适用于开发人员发布需要新数据库架构的应用程序的新版本。 It is not for tables, indexes, or anything else added on the fly based upon user input. 它不适用于表,索引或基于用户输入动态添加的任何其他内容。 For that, call execSQL() yourself, on SQLiteDatabase , at an appropriate point. 为此,在SQLiteDatabase ,在适当的位置自己调用execSQL()

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