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[英]Binary Search for a range

I was making binary search program to find the number of elements between the Left and Right values in a range . 我正在制作二进制搜索程序,以查找范围内Left和Right值之间的元素数。

I code it : 我编码:

using namespace std;
vector<int> arr(20);
int search(int value,int low,int high) 
  if (high <= low)
      return low;
  int mid = (low + high) / 2;

  if (arr[mid] > value)
      return search(value,low,mid-1);
      return search(value,mid+1,high);

int main(){
int n;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){

int left;
int right;


It's giving right answer for some ranges. 在某些范围内给出正确的答案。
But for some its giving wrong like If N=6 and array be [1 3 5 8 10 13] and say the range be [5,9] then it's giving 1 as the answer but it should be 2 as 5 and 8 both are in the range. 但是对于某些错误,例如如果N = 6且array为[1 3 5 8 10 13]并说范围为[5,9],则给出1作为答案,但应为2,因为5和8都是在范围中。

try this 尝试这个

int search(int value,int low,int high) 
if (high <= low)
  return low;
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
if(arr[mid]==value){      // add this line it would be work for you
    return mid;
if (arr[mid] > value)
  return search(value,low,mid-1);
  return search(value,mid+1,high);

and make correction in main() 并在main()中进行更正

int search(int value,int low,int high) 
    if (high <= low + 1)
       return low;
    int mid = (low + high) / 2;

    if (arr[mid] > value)
       return search(value,low,mid);
       return search(value,mid,high);

And in your main function 而在你的主要职能


One problem is that when arr[mid] == value , you just ignore it and recurse to the right. 一个问题是,当arr[mid] == value ,您只需忽略它并向右递归即可。

You'll need to either include mid in your right range, or return mid if arr[mid] == value . 您需要在正确的范围内包含mid ,如果arr[mid] == value ,则返回mid

I also see duplicate values (if these are possible) being a problem - when recursing to find the left-most position, you need to find the first duplicate value, when recursing to find the right-most position, you need to find the last duplicate value, so a single function without a flag to indicate which one we're doing isn't going to work. 我还看到重复值(如果可能的话)是一个问题-递归查找最左边的位置时,您需要找到第一个重复值;递归查找最右边的位置时,您需要找到最后一个值重复值,因此没有标志来指示我们正在执行的功能的单个函数将无法工作。 To illustrate the problem: 为了说明问题:

If the range is [5,5] and the input is [1,2,5,5,5,6,8] , the same recursive call finding the position of 5 will always return the position of the same 5 , where-as you need to return index 2 for the left range and index 4 for the right, as to get 3 as your output. 如果范围是[5,5]并输入为[1,2,5,5,5,6,8]相同的递归调用查找的位置5将总是返回相同的位置5 ,如─因为您需要返回左侧范围的索引2和右侧的索引4 ,以获取3作为输出。

There is no check that arr[mid] can be == value. 没有检查arr[mid]可以==值。 In your example, first iteration for left == 5 gives mid == ( 0 + (6-1) )/2 = 5/2 = 2 and arr[2] is exactly 5. We should stop, but your code goes to the branch search(5, 3, 5); 在您的示例中,left == 5的第一次迭代得到mid ==(0 +(6-1))/ 2 = 5/2 = 2,而arr [2]恰好是5。我们应该停止,但是您的代码转到分支search(5, 3, 5);

The logic of your program seems wrong, if you want to find the number of elements in the arr that are in the range of [left,right], try this: 程序的逻辑似乎是错误的,如果您想在arr中找到[left,right]范围内的元素数量,请尝试以下操作:

 int i;
 int count = 0;
 for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (arr[i] >= left && arr[i] <= right)

If you insist on using binary search try this : 如果您坚持使用二进制搜索,请尝试以下操作:

static int search(int value,int low,int high) 
    if (high <= low)
        return low;
    int mid = (low + high) / 2;
    if (arr[mid] == value)
        return mid;
    int idx;
    if (arr[mid] > value) 
        idx = search(value,low,mid-1);
        idx = search(value,mid+1,high); 
    if (value == arr[idx]) {
        return idx;
    else {
        if(value > arr[idx])
            return mid +1;
            return mid;

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