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[英]How to set multi-dimensional array in Twig?

I'm working on Twig for templating in my Symfony2 project. 我在Symfony2项目中正在研究Twig的模板。 I need to define a 2 dimensional array. 我需要定义一个二维数组。 I tried like 我尝试过

{% set fields = { {'name': 'description', 'value':  '1'}, { 'name': 'abc', 'value': '2'}, { 'name':'tags', 'value': '3'} } %}

But I'm getting 但我得到了

A hash key must be a quoted string, a number, a name, or an expression enclosed in parentheses (unexpected token "punctuation" of value "{" in ABundle:XYZ:edit_a_page.html.twig at line 51  

Not sure what is wrong with the above code. 不确定上面的代码有什么问题。

What is the right syntax to set a 2 dimensional array in twig? 在树枝中设置二维数组的正确语法是什么?

In Twig, arrays are marked with [], and hashes with {}. 在Twig中,数组用[]标记,哈希用{}标记。 A hash is a key-value pair with explicit keys (strings or integers), an array is simply a set of values without any explicitly defined keys (they will be indexed numerically). 散列是具有显式键(字符串或整数)的键值对,数组只是一组没有任何明确定义的键的值(它们将以数字方式索引)。

In order to use a hash, you MUST provide a key for each element. 为了使用哈希,你必须为每个元素提供一个键。

So, what you want is probably {% set fields = [ {'name': 'description', 'value': '1'}, { 'name': 'abc', 'value': '2'}, { 'name':'tags', 'value': '3'} ] %} 那么,你想要的可能是{% set fields = [ {'name': 'description', 'value': '1'}, { 'name': 'abc', 'value': '2'}, { 'name':'tags', 'value': '3'} ] %}

你可以这样做{% set foo = {"adjuster_list": {"id": "1", "name": "Joe Smith"}} %}

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