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[英]Varnish cache according to custom header

I am using Varnish to serve a website but need to have the caching dependent on Geo location. 我正在使用Varnish服务网站,但需要根据地理位置来进行缓存。 I have written a small Vmod that uses Ip2Location to set a request header that has the country code in which is then passed to my application (Magento) via Apache which serves up the relevant content but I need Varnish to also cache depending on the country code. 我编写了一个小的Vmod,它使用Ip2Location设置一个请求标头,该请求标头具有国家/地区代码,然后通过该国家/地区代码通过Apache传递给我的应用程序(Magento),该Apache提供相关内容,但是我还需要Varnish根据国家/地区代码进行缓存。

Is there any way to achieve this? 有什么办法可以做到这一点?

I have sorted this. 我已经排序了。

In the vcl_hash subroutine I needed to add the country code into the hashed data. 在vcl_hash子例程中,我需要将国家/地区代码添加到哈希数据中。

sub vcl_hash {
     if (req.http.host) {
     } else {

     return (hash);

The default vcl I am using had the whole vcl_hash subroutine commented out because it was using req.hash instead of hash_data() which is no longer available in Varnish 3 so adjust as necessary. 我使用的默认vcl已注释掉整个vcl_hash子例程,因为它使用的是req.hash而不是hash_data(),后者在Varnish 3中不再可用,因此请进行必要的调整。

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