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Powershell 列出一系列日期之间的日期。

[英]Powershell list the dates between a range of dates.

I am writing a script in PowerShell and I need to know the dates between a range of dates.我正在PowerShell编写脚本,我需要知道一系列日期之间的日期。

The script is to automate reporting.该脚本用于自动报告。 Let's say there is a bunch of logged data, but the data only gets collected on weekdays, no weekends and no holidays.假设有一堆记录的数据,但数据只在工作日收集,没有周末也没有假期。 I FTP and collect the last 15 generations logged.我 FTP 并收集记录的最后 15 代。

With the script I open up the latest instance of the report in Excel .使用脚本,我在Excel打开了报告的最新实例。 Once the workbook has opened up I read a cell which contains a date, that date will determine when the last time the report has been ran on.打开工作簿后,我读取了一个包含日期的单元格,该日期将确定上次运行报告的时间。 (Today's data however will not be accessible until tomorrow, so it is always 1 day behind.) (然而,今天的数据要到明天才能访问,所以它总是落后 1 天。)

When I than have that date, I use Get-Date to get the current date.当我有那个日期时,我使用Get-Date来获取当前日期。 I need to know the dates between the current date and the date I read in from Excel.我需要知道当前日期和我从 Excel 读入的日期之间的日期。 Afterwards I will need to see if any of the dates have fallen on a holiday, or if they have fell on the weekend.之后,我将需要查看是否有任何日期落在假期,或者是否落在周末。

$excelDate = $excel.Cells.Item(1489, 1).Value()
$currentDate = Get-Date 

Let's say $excelDate = "03/07/2014"假设$excelDate = "03/07/2014"

and $currentDate = "03/14/2014"$currentDate = "03/14/2014"

What I would like to get is 03/08/2014, 03/09/2014, 03/10/2014, 03/11/2014, 03/12/2014, 03/13/2014.我想得到的是 03/08/2014、03/09/2014、03/10/2014、03/11/2014、03/12/2014、03/13/2014。

Once I have those dates I can check to see if any of them were a holiday, and if they have fallen on a weekend.一旦我有了这些日期,我就可以检查其中是否有假期,以及它们是否在周末。

If they fell on a holiday I can subtract 1 day (or 2 days if the last day in the report fell on a Friday...I am still trying to figure out how I am going to do this.), and use a switch to get-content of the proper data before I begin to parse through and put it into Excel .如果他们遇上假期,我可以减去 1 天(如果报告中的最后一天是星期五,则减去 2 天......我仍在努力弄清楚我将如何做到这一点。),并使用switch在我开始解析并将其放入Excel之前get-content正确数据get-content

So something like this:所以像这样:

           1  {Write-Host "The Report is currently up to date!!"                       }   
           2  {$data = get-content C:\Users\$userName\Desktop\Report\data\data.txt  }  
           3  {$data = get-content C:\Users\$userName\Desktop\Report\data\data2.txt } 
           4  {$data = get-content C:\Users\$userName\Desktop\Report\data\data3.txt }
           5  {$data = get-content C:\Users\$userName\Desktop\Report\data\data4.txt }
           6  {$data = get-content C:\Users\$userName\Desktop\Report\data\data5.txt }
           7  {$data = get-content C:\Users\$userName\Desktop\Report\data\data6.txt } 
           8  {$data = get-content C:\Users\$userName\Desktop\Report\data\data7.txt } 
           9  {$data = get-content C:\Users\$userName\Desktop\Report\data\data8.txt } 
           10 {$data = get-content C:\Users\$userName\Desktop\Report\data\data9.txt }
           11 {$data = get-content C:\Users\$userName\Desktop\Report\data\data10.txt }

Once I have the proper data, I do a bunch of stuff within Excel and finish off that days report, then I would go $daysMissed = $daysMissed - 1 .一旦我有了正确的数据,我就会在Excel做一堆事情并完成那一天的报告,然后我会去$daysMissed = $daysMissed - 1

So my question is how exactly would I list the dates, between a range of dates?所以我的问题是我将如何在一系列日期之间列出日期?

or, is there an easier way to do what I am doing?或者,有没有更简单的方法来做我正在做的事情?

Thanks for the help!谢谢您的帮助!

Maybe something like:也许是这样的:

$excelDate = get-date "03/07/2014"
$currentDate = get-date "03/14/2014"

for ( $i = $excelDate.AddDays(1); $i -lt $currentDate; $i=$i.AddDays(1) )  { 

Something like this, maybe?像这样的东西,也许?

$excelDate = "03/07/2014" 
$currentDate = "03/14/2014"

$start = [Datetime]$excelDate
$end   = [Datetime]$currentDate

While ($start -lt $end)
  $start = $start.AddDays(1)



PS C:\ps> [datetime]$a =  "03/07/2014"
PS C:\ps> [datetime]$b =  "03/14/2014"
PS C:\ps> 1..(($b -$a).days-1) | % {$a.AddDays($_)}

sabato 8 marzo 2014 00:00:00
domenica 9 marzo 2014 00:00:00
lunedì 10 marzo 2014 00:00:00
martedì 11 marzo 2014 00:00:00
mercoledì 12 marzo 2014 00:00:00
giovedì 13 marzo 2014 00:00:00


PS C:\ps> 1..(($b -$a).days-1) | % {$a.AddDays($_).ToShortDateString()}

Here is another example that writes to a file.这是另一个写入文件的示例。 You should adjust the $path variable to something that fits your need.您应该将 $path 变量调整为适合您需要的值。

function GenerateDates($beginDate,$EndDate)
      "day,week" | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $path

         for($i=1;$i -lt 7;$i++)
             "$d1,$d2" | Out-File  -Append -LiteralPath $path

    }Until($date -gt $endDate)   


GenerateDates $beginDate $endDate

I noticed that few of these snippets actually included the start date in the output.我注意到这些片段中实际上很少在输出中包含开始日期。 Just remember to call .AddDays() after the output, and to change the -lt to -le (less than to less than equal to).请记住在输出调用 .AddDays(),并将-lt更改为-le (小于到小于等于)。

I do understand that was not the initial question posed, but I had a similar question as OP, hopefully this will assist anyone else with a similar problem (printing all dates within a given range).我确实明白这不是最初提出的问题,但我有一个与 OP 类似的问题,希望这能帮助其他有类似问题的人(打印给定范围内的所有日期)。

Function Build-Calendar() {

    Param (

        [System.DateTime] $PeriodStart,
        [System.DateTime] $PeriodEnd


    while ($PeriodStart -le $PeriodEnd) {
        $PeriodStart = $PeriodStart.AddDays(1)


$testParameters = @{
    PeriodStart = "09/16/2020"
    PeriodEnd = "09/30/2020"


Build-Calendar @testParameters


For all those who like something terse and one-line-y, here's a quick/compact solution:对于所有喜欢简洁和单行的人,这里有一个快速/紧凑的解决方案:

$calendar = ({ param([datetime]$from, [datetime]$to, [int]$i=0) do { $from=$from.AddDays($i++);$from } while ($from -le $to) }).Invoke('2021-01-01', (Get-Date))

...and for anyone who wants this broken down a little, here's the same code on multiple lines: ...对于任何想要稍微分解一下的人,这里有多行相同的代码:

$calendar = {
      , [datetime]$to
      , [int]     $i=0
    do {
        $from = $from.AddDays($i++)
    } while ($from -le $to)
}.Invoke('2021-01-01', (Get-Date))

...and finally with a few comments ...最后还有一些评论

$calendar = {                       # assign the results of the rest of the code to $calendar
                                    # & begin an anonymous script block, which we can invoke
    param(                          # begin param declaration
        [datetime]$from             # declare the from datetime param
      , [datetime]$to               # declare the to datetime param
      , [int]     $i=0              # declare the counter/offset for our do-loop, which we
                                    # have a default as 0, which is a shortcut way of declaring
                                    # the variable instead of inside the script block
    )                               # end param declaration
    do {                            # begin the do-while loop
        $from = $from.AddDays($i++) # increment the start date by one day
        $from                       # return this date to the receiving variable
    } while ($from -le $to)         # repeat the do-while if from <= to
}.Invoke('2021-01-01', (Get-Date))  # finally, we invoke the anonymous function and pass in
                                    # our start and end dates

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