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[英]White space at top of custom wordpress theme

There's this ridiculous 16px whitespace/margin at the top of the theme I'm building, between the header and admin bar. 我正在构建的主题顶部,标题和管理栏之间有一个荒谬的16px空格/边距。 Firebug shows no margin nor padding, and I've tested it with !important to make sure. Firebug没有显示边距或填充,我已经用!important进行了测试以确保。 I saw someone say it was due to the encoding the header file was saved with, so I re-saved as UTF-8 (no BOM) and no change. 我看到有人说这是由于保存头文件时使用的编码,所以我将其重新保存为UTF-8(无BOM)并且没有更改。

It shows up in Firefox, Safari & Chrome. 它显示在Firefox,Safari和Chrome中。

Any ideas what it is and how to remove it? 任何想法是什么以及如何删除它?

Top is admin bar, then the mysterious white space, then header. 顶部是管理栏,然后是神秘的空白区域,然后是标题。


不确定是否有帮助,但我发现了这一点: http : //wordpress.org/support/topic/remove-white-space-on-top-of-template

Found a hidden margin to in the minimzed file that I missed. 在我错过的最小文件中找到了隐藏的边距。 Fixed! 固定!

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