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[英]MVC Date Time Model Binding

I am using 2 kendo date pickers in my application as such: 我在我的应用程序中使用2个kendo日期选择器:

<div class="span12">
    <div class="span2" style="text-align: right">
        Start Date:
    <div class="span2">
    <div class="span2" style="text-align: right">
        End Date:
    <div class="span2">
    <div class="span4">
        <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="getGraphData()">Show</button>

When the button is clicked, I read the values of these date pickers client side and make a POST to a API controller. 单击该按钮时,我会读取这些日期选择器客户端的值,并向API控制器发出POST。

The issue I am having is sometimes the DateTime parameters are parsed incorrectly, I am using a en-GB culture (specified in my web.config), however given a date of 01/03/2014 (1st March), when the value is processed by the model binder, it is interpreted as 03/01/2014 (3rd Jan). 我遇到的问题有时是DateTime参数被错误地解析,我使用的是en-GB文化(在我的web.config中指定),但是给定日期为2014年3月1日(3月1日),当值为由模型装订器处理,它被解释为03/01/2014(1月3日)。

My javascript is as follows: 我的javascript如下:

function getGraphData() {

        var startDatePicker = $("#StartDate").data("kendoDatePicker");
        var endDatePicker = $("#EndDate").data("kendoDatePicker");
        var param = {
            StartDate: kendo.toString(startDatePicker.value().toLocaleDateString(), "dd/MM/yyyy"),
            EndDate: kendo.toString(endDatePicker.value().toLocaleDateString(), "dd/MM/yyyy")
       // Do post here


My model is as follows: 我的模型如下:

public class DateRangeParam
        #region Constructors and Destructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DateRangeParam"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public DateRangeParam()
            this.EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1);
            this.StartDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1);


        #region Public Properties

        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets or sets the end date.
        /// </summary>
        public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets or sets the start date.
        /// </summary>
        public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }


I figured the solutions was that I needed a custom model binder to parse the datetime value, so I created on (as follows) and registered it in the Global.asax.cs file, but this didnt work, the binder is never called, I am unsure if this is because the datetime is a property of a custom object. 我认为解决方案是我需要一个自定义模型绑定器来解析日期时间值,所以我创建了(如下所示)并将其注册在Global.asax.cs文件中,但是这不起作用,绑定从不被调用,我我不确定这是因为datetime是自定义对象的属性。

 public class DateTimeModelBinder : IModelBinder
        #region Fields

        private readonly string _customFormat;


        #region Constructors and Destructors

       public DateTimeModelBinder(string customFormat)
            this._customFormat = customFormat;


        #region Explicit Interface Methods

        object IModelBinder.BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
            ValueProviderResult value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName);
            return DateTime.ParseExact(value.AttemptedValue, this._customFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


And it is registered as follows: 它注册如下:

var binder = new DateTimeModelBinder(new CultureInfo("en-GB").DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern);
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(DateTime), binder);
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(DateTime?), binder);

Does anyone know where I am going wrong? 有谁知道我哪里出错了?

What I didn't see was where you registered your DateTimeModelBinder in your global.asax: 我没看到的是你在global.asax中注册DateTimeModelBinder的地方:

ModelBinders.Binders[typeof(DateTime)] = 
           new DateAndTimeModelBinder() { CustomFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd" };

Scott Hanselman has this very similar post working with DateTime Custom Model Binders Scott Hanselman使用DateTime Custom Model Binders这个非常相似的帖子

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