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[英]Dynamic property setter via expressions is not working

Hi I have following perfectly working code when I run it in console application but it fails in real app with exeption "Specified cast is not valid." 嗨,当我在控制台应用程序中运行该代码时,我遵循了可以正常工作的代码,但在真实应用程序中却失败了,提示“指定的转换无效”。 at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object ), do any one knows that is root cause for this ? 在lambda_method(Closure,Object,Object)上,有人知道这是根本原因吗?

    public class Base


    public class Test:Base
        public string TestProp { get; set; }

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Base test = new Test();
        var prop=test.GetType().GetProperty("TestProp");
        var method = BuildSetAccessor(prop.SetMethod);
        method(test, "sa");

    static Action<object, object> BuildSetAccessor(MethodInfo method)

        var obj = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "o");
        var value = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));

        Expression<Action<object, object>> expr =
            Expression.Lambda<Action<object, object>>(
                    Expression.Convert(obj, method.DeclaringType),
                    Expression.Convert(value, method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType)),
                obj, value);

        return expr.Compile();

This is not the answer at the moment, but I would recommend you to change your code to something like this: 目前尚无答案,但我建议您将代码更改为以下形式:

static Action<TOb, TPar> BuildSetAccessor<TOb, TPar>(MethodInfo method)
    var obj = Expression.Parameter(method.DeclaringType, "o");
    var value = Expression.Parameter(method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType);

    if (method.GetParameters().Length > 1)
        throw new ArgumentException("Method with more than 1 parameters is not supported");

    LambdaExpression expr =
            obj, value);

    var compiled = expr.Compile();
    return new Action<TOb, TPar>((o, p) => compiled.DynamicInvoke(o, p));

And usage: 和用法:

var method = BuildSetAccessor<Base, object>(prop.SetMethod);
method(test, "1");

I think this approach is better then casting parameters in LINQ query because generated exception info is more detailed. 我认为这种方法比在LINQ查询中强制转换参数更好,因为生成的异常信息更加详细。

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