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[英]PHP and mysql checkbox insert

I am working on a project where i need to pass values (from a list of products) of multiple checkboxes AND text boxes to a table (new_orders) on the database. 我正在一个项目中,我需要将多个复选框和文本框的值(从产品列表中)传递到数据库中的表(new_orders)。

I managed to create the list retrieving the products from the table articles, but i can't insert the products that i choose with the quantities that i insert to the table new_orders on the database. 我设法创建了从表文章中检索产品的列表,但是我无法插入我选择的产品以及插入数据库表new_orders中的数量。

Here is the code: 这是代码:

foreach($A_result as $key => $value) // για χρηση όλων των αντικειμένων του πίνακα A_apotelesma

// shows al the products
    echo "<tr> 
              <td align=center>".$j++."</td>
              <td align=center>".$value['name']."</td>
              <td align=center>".$value['price']."</td> ";

echo"<td> // each product has a checkbox and a text box to enter the quantity

            <input type=checkbox name=\"article[]\"></input>
            <input type=text name='quantity_".$value['id_article']."' size='3' maxlength='2'>

    echo"<td><input type='hidden' name='id_article' value=".$value['id_article']."></td>"; 
    echo"<td><input type='hidden' name=\"code_user\" value=\"code_user\"></td>"; 



 // The form above redirects to the insert_order.php page:









$insert_order_query= "INSERT INTO new_orders (id_article, quantity, username) VALUES (".$id_article.",".$quantity.", '".$username."')";
//echo $insert_order_query;
$insert_order=mysql_query($insert_order_query) or die('Error,query failed!!'); 
 if ($insert_order)
     echo '<script language="javascript">alert("New order created!"); document.location="logged_in_user.php?menu=1";</script>';
    echo '<script language="javascript">alert("The order has not been created.")</script>';
    echo '<script language="javascript"> document.location="logged_in_user.php?menu=1.php"; </script>';


I ALWAYS get the error message. 我总是收到错误消息。

Single qoutes are missing in 缺少单个qoutes

$insert_order_query= "INSERT INTO new_orders (id_article, quantity, username) VALUES (".$id_article.",".$quantity.", '".$username."')";

try something like 尝试类似

$insert_order_query= "INSERT INTO new_orders (id_article, quantity, username) VALUES ('".$id_article."','".$quantity."', '".$username."')";

but echo that $insert_order_query 但回显$ insert_order_query

paste here what you get - debugging tells a lot:) 在这里粘贴您得到的内容-调试可以说明很多问题:)


and especially do echo your $quantity 特别是呼应您的$ quantity

that is because $quantity=$_POST['quantity_.$id_article']; 那是因为$quantity=$_POST['quantity_.$id_article']; should be $quantity=$_POST['quantity_'.$id_article]; 应该是$quantity=$_POST['quantity_'.$id_article];

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