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WAMP / Drupal 7 / SMTP模块:无法使用drupal_mail发送邮件,但是“测试邮件”可以发送

[英]WAMP / Drupal 7 / SMTP module : Can't send mail with drupal_mail, but “testing mail” can send

I set up, with a Gmail account (smtp.gmail.com:465). 我使用Gmail帐户(smtp.gmail.com:465)进行设置。

I'm using the SMTP module , and after setup, I can (ie have no problem with Gmail) send the "test e-mail" it offers in the admin page. 我正在使用SMTP模块 ,设置后,我可以 (即Gmail没问题)发送它在管理页面中提供的“测试电子邮件”。

However, trying to call this function: 但是,尝试调用此函数:

drupal_mail('casabaca_s3s', FORM_ALIAS_CONTACTO, 'luisfmasuelli@gmail.com', language_default(), array());

which is implemented here (hook impl.): 在这里实现(钩实现):

function casabaca_s3s_mail($key, &$message, $params)
    $data = array();
    foreach($params as $k => $v)
        $data['${'.$k.'}'] = $v;

    $messages = array(
        FORM_ALIAS_CONTACTO => array(
            'subject' => '',
            'html.message' => <<<MESSAGE
        FORM_ALIAS_COTIZAR => array(
            'subject' => '',
            'html.message' => <<<MESSAGE
        FORM_ALIAS_TALLERES => array(
            'subject' => '',
            'html.message' => <<<MESSAGE
        FORM_ALIAS_EXONERADOS => array(
            'subject' => '',
            'html.message' => <<<MESSAGE
        FORM_ALIAS_AVALUO => array(
            'subject' => '',
            'html.message' => <<<MESSAGE
            'subject' => '',
            'html.message' => <<<MESSAGE
    $base_message = $messages[$key];
    $message['body']['plain'] = '<html><body>HTML version of "test message"</body></html>'; //drupal_wrap_mail(drupal_html_to_text(strtr($base_message['html.message'], $data)));
    $message['body']['html'] = 'text version of "test messages"'; //drupal_wrap_mail(strtr($base_message['html.message'], $data));
    $message['subject'] = 'test subject';//$base_message['subject'];
    $headers = array(
        'MIME-Version' => '1.0',
        'Content-Type' => 'multipart/alternative; charset=UTF-8;',
        'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '8Bit',
        'X-Mailer' => 'Drupal'
    foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
        $message['headers'][$key] = $value;

doesn't work . 不起作用 The returned message comes as follows: 返回的消息如下:

No se pudo enviar el correo electrónico. 没有任何帮助。 Contacte con la administración del sitio si persiste el problema. 持续存在的行政管理联系方式。

(message in Spanish. possible English message could be - I don't know since I'm a total n00b and just using a Spanish Drupal 7 version -: E-mail couldn't be sent. Contact with site administration if the problem persists). (西班牙语消息。可能的英语消息可能是-我不知道,因为我总共是n00b,仅使用西班牙语Drupal 7版本-:无法发送电子邮件。如果问题仍然存在,请与网站管理联系)。

Q: What am I screwing? 问:我在拧什么? Hypothesis: I think it's in my code, but I copied most of it and try to understand it 假设:我认为它在我的代码中,但是我复制了其中的大部分并试图理解它

Goal : send a multiple alternatives email ( please note, currently the options are just a stub, and not implemented ), depending on six possibilities (each responding to a different form, a different feature, but currently they have dummy body and subject). 目标 :发送多种替代电子邮件( 请注意,当前这些选项只是一个存根,尚未实现 ),具体取决于六种可能性(每种响应的形式,功能不同,但当前具有伪造的主体和主题)。

Preconditions: Drupal 7, PHP 5.4.16, SMTP module 7.x-1.0. 前提条件:Drupal 7,PHP 5.4.16,SMTP模块7.x-1.0。

Edit : For those not being sure what the "test e-mail" is, see Here for a detailed example. 编辑 :对于那些不确定“测试电子邮件”是什么的人,请参见此处获取详细示例。

Found it ... had many problems. 发现它...有很多问题。

  1. The hook_mail implementation was in a file not yet included (required) in the .module, so it couldn't be found (and so, the message was empty, and that triggered the error). hook_mail实现位于.module中尚未包含(必需)的文件中,因此无法找到它(因此,消息为空,并触发了错误)。
  2. Using ['plain'] and ['html'] as message elements did not create the multipart/alternative. 使用['plain']和['html']作为消息元素不会创建multipart / alternative。 Had to create it explicitly (ie boundaries). 必须明确创建它(即边界)。
  3. There was something with the cache, because mail() was not bypassed (it was with the testing email but not with the actual email). 缓存中有一些东西,因为没有绕过mail()(它是测试电子邮件,而不是实际电子邮件)。

(summary: a 8th-layer error). (摘要:第8层错误)。

In some cases problem might be in the mail_system variable. 在某些情况下,问题可能出在mail_system变量中。 It should be set to SmtpMailSystem . 它应该设置为SmtpMailSystem Some modules like Mail System or Mime Mail change it. 某些模块(如邮件系统Mime Mail)会对其进行更改。

See also drupal_mail_system and drupal_mail . 另请参阅drupal_mail_systemdrupal_mail

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