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Xcode 5.1文档下载临时位置?

[英]Xcode 5.1 documentation download temporary location?

Xcode 5.1 crashed during the download of some documentation this week. Xcode 5.1在本周下载一些文档时崩溃了。 The problem is, something must've got corrupted in the partial download and now and attempt to resume the download reliably crashes Xcode again. 问题是,在部分下载中必须已经损坏了某些内容,现在尝试恢复下载可靠地再次崩溃Xcode。 Does anyone know the location of the partial documentation download so I can wipe it and start from scratch? 有谁知道部分文档下载的位置,所以我可以擦除它并从头开始?

Info would be most appreciated! 信息将非常感谢!

Thanks in advance 提前致谢


Downloaded doc set updates are installed in ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets. 下载的文档集更新安装在〜/ Library / Developer / Shared / Documentation / DocSets中。

You can get more information on this apple Doc1 , apple Doc2 您可以获得有关此Apple Doc1Apple Doc2的更多信息

You also can get more information on this link for manually download apple documentation 您还可以获得有关此链接的更多信息,以便手动下载Apple文档

documentation for offline install 离线安装的文档

检查〜/ Library / Caches / com.apple.dt.Xcode

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