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Bower - 如何仅安装jquery.js而不是整个包?

[英]Bower - How to install jquery.js only and not the whole package?

Using bower install jquery command what I get in jquery folder are dist folder with jquery.js and jquery.min.js , src folder with the whole bunch of js files that make up jquery, I suppose, bower.json and licence files. 使用bower install jquery命令我在jquery文件夹中得到的是带有jquery.jsjquery.min.js dist文件夹, src文件夹和构成jquery的整个js文件,我想, bower.json和许可证文件。 How could I install jquery.js or jquery.min.js only? 我怎么能只安装jquery.jsjquery.min.js

You can use bower-installer and an extra "install" section in your bower.json file like: 您可以在bower.json文件中使用bower-installer和额外的“install”部分,如:

    "name": "test",
    "version": "0.0.0",
    "dependencies": {
        "jquery": "1.11.1",
        "normalize-css": "latest"
    "install" : {
        "path"  : {
            "js": "_js/",
            "css": "_css/"

With that "install" section you can specify the install folder. 使用“安装”部分,您可以指定安装文件夹。
It than automatically creates the folders - if they're not existing - and installs just the required files like jquery.js or normalize.css to the specified "css" or "js" folder. 它会自动创建文件夹 - 如果它们不存在 - 并且只将所需的文件(如jquery.jsnormalize.css到指定的“css”或“js”文件夹中。

You can also use this parameter: 您也可以使用此参数:

"ignore": [

This will ignore the unecessary files to work when you download files. 这将忽略下载文件时不必要的文件。

From the jQuery download page : jQuery下载页面

The jQuery Bower package contains additional files besides the default distribution. 除默认发行版之外,jQuery Bower包还包含其他文件。 In most cases you can ignore these files, however if you wish to download the default release on it's own you can use Bower to install jQuery from one of the above urls instead of the registered package. 在大多数情况下,您可以忽略这些文件,但是如果您希望自己下载默认版本,则可以使用Bower从上述URL之一安装jQuery而不是注册包。 For example, if you wish to install just the compressed jQuery 2.1.0, you can install just that file with the following command: 例如,如果您只想安装压缩的jQuery 2.1.0,则可以使用以下命令安装该文件:

bower install http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.0.min.js

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