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在 libreoffice impress 中更改公式的字体大小

[英]Change the font size of the formula in libreoffice impress

I want to change the font size of the formulas(math) in libreoffice impress.我想更改 libreoffice impress 中公式(数学)的字体大小。 How can I do it?我该怎么做?

双击公式和格式 -> 字体大小。

Right-click of the formula and choose "Position and Size".右键单击公式并选择“位置和大小”。 If the attribute "Size" is selected under "Protect", deselect and enter your expected width and height.如果在“保护”下选择了属性“大小”,请取消选择并输入您期望的宽度和高度。 You can choose to "Keep ratio" to ensure the width and height are proportional.您可以选择“保持比例”以确保宽度和高度成比例。

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