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[英]what is the JSSE equivalent for .NET (C#)?

I'm working on an application using and EntireX Broker 9.5.1 I'm attempting to convert to tpcip connections to use ssl. 我正在使用EntireX Broker 9.5.1开发应用程序。我正在尝试转换为tpcip连接以使用ssl。 I was successful in upgrading my code to do the same thing thanks to Java/ Software AGs use of for handling the SSL/ceritificate validation. 由于Java / Software AG使用处理SSL / 验证,我成功地升级了我的代码以执行相同的操作。 However, when connecting to the same server/port under I'm getting the following error: 但是,当连接到下的同一服务器/端口时,我收到以下错误:
02150403: Certificate expired or invalid

The error message sounds like it's communicating. 错误消息听起来像是正在通信。 So how can I get .Net to successfully validate the certificate? 那么如何让.Net成功验证证书呢?

PS: The certificate is signed by Verisign. PS:证书由Verisign签署。

Both IE and Firefox successfully connect on https://server.domain:port without throwing certificate errors. IE和Firefox都成功连接到https://server.domain:port而不会丢失证书错误。 My application is actually connecting to ssl://server:port?verify_server=y 我的应用程序实际连接到ssl://server:port?verify_server=y
verify_server=n throws the same certificate error. verify_server=n抛出相同的证书错误。

The certificate is not expired. 证书未过期。 The stack trace from the exception stops right at Broker.Logon(); 来自异常的堆栈跟踪在Broker.Logon();处停止Broker.Logon(); .

at SoftwareAG.EntireX.NETWrapper.Runtime.Broker.Logon(String password) 在SoftwareAG.EntireX.NETWrapper.Runtime.Broker.Logon(String password)
at FAServer.EntireXDotNetClasses.EntireXWrapper.CreateBroker() in C:\\Users\\tfburton\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\NEW FADCOM\\FAServer\\EntireXDotNetClasses\\EntireXWrapper.cs:line 1302 在C:\\ Users \\ tfburton \\ Documents \\ Visual Studio 2010 \\ Projects \\ NEW FADCOM \\ FAServer \\ EntireXDotNetClasses \\ EntireXWrapper.cs中的FAServer.EntireXDotNetClasses.EntireXWrapper.CreateBroker():第1302行

Here's how I'm creating my Broker object. 这是我如何创建我的Broker对象。

  Broker mybroker;
  try { mybroker = new Broker(BrokerName, BrokerUser); }
  catch (Exception e)
     Utilities.LogEntry("Error Creating broker instance -- BEFORE LOGON. ", e, true);

     throw new WrapperException("Error Creating broker instance -- BEFORE LOGON. "
                               + Environment.NewLine + e.Message);
  try //{ mybroker.Logon(BrokerPass); }
     mybroker.Password = BrokerPass;
     mybroker.Logon();  //<-- stracktrace points here
  catch (AccessViolationException ave)
     Utilities.LogEntry("Error During Broker Logon.", ave, 

     throw new WrapperException(ave); //wrap and duck
catch ( Exception e )
   Utilities.LogEntry("Error Creating broker instance. ", e, true);

   XException be = e as XException; 
   if ( null != be  ) //<-- resolves to true
      String msg = "Certificate error connecting to: " + BrokerName;

      throw new WrapperException(msg, e);
   throw new WrapperException( "Error Creating broker instance. " 
                             + Environment.NewLine + e.Message);  //<-- error caught and re-thrown here


Turns out I was barking up the wrong tree. 事实证明我正在咆哮错误的树。

I'm not sure if .NET has an equivalent for JSSE. 我不确定.NET是否具有JSSE的等价物。

My solution turned out to be a lot simpler, concatinate the root certs in a text file and add 我的解决方案变得更加简单,在文本文件中合并根证书并添加


as a parameter to the url aka 作为url aka的参数


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