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[英]jQuery plugin event binding on dynamic element

I have written a jQuery plugin which has similar functionality as following: 我写了一个jQuery插件,它具有以下类似功能:

  <h1 id="t1">title 1</h1>
  <h1 id="t2">title 2</h2>
  test: function(opts){
    var o = { text : 'hello '};
    o = $.extend( o, opts  );
    return this.each(function(){
      var $this = $(this);
      $div = $('<div/>');
      $btn  = $('<button />').text(o.text);

$('#t1').test({text:'hola '});
$('#t2').test({text:'nihao '});

in which I have created some elements (a button and a div) on the fly and added some event bindings. 在其中我动态创建了一些元素(一个按钮和一个div)并添加了一些事件绑定。 In the sample code I have more than one element that will use this plugin respectively. 在示例代码中,我有多个元素将分别使用此插件。 However I noticed when I trigger the event, my bound event also applies changes to the last div I have created in the plugin. 但是,当我触发事件时,我注意到,绑定事件还将更改应用于我在插件中创建的最后一个div。

Where have I done wrong? 我在哪里做错了?

您错过了$div$btn前面的var ,并且偶然创建了全局变量。

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