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C ++编译错误,包括X11 / Xh X11 / Xlib.h

[英]C++ compiling error including X11/X.h X11/Xlib.h

I am currently porting a c++ application developed in MS VS2005 to linux and unfortunately this is the first time I am doing this. 我目前正在将用MS VS2005开发的c ++应用程序移植到linux,不幸的是,这是我第一次这样做。 We are using Qt 4.6, Opencascade 6.5.1 and Qwt 6.0.1. 我们正在使用Qt 4.6, Opencascade 6.5.1和Qwt 6.0.1。 Most of the code compiles just fine but at one point we are trying to use X to determine the client screen size and as soon as I am trying to include X libraries i get a ton of errors. 大多数代码都可以正常编译,但有一次我们试图使用X来确定客户端屏幕的大小,而一旦我试图包含X库,我就会遇到很多错误。 The class header contains the following lines: 类头包含以下几行:

#ifdef WNT
#include <windows.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#endif //WNT

When I have only the #include <X11/Xh> line I get the following errors: 当我只有#include <X11/Xh>行时,出现以下错误:

In file included from v0000/plot_curve.h:7,
                 from v0000/utility.h:9,
                 from v0000/settings.h:16,
                 from v0000/dialog.cpp:10:
../../../qwt-6.0.1/include/qwt_symbol.h:35: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
../../../qwt-6.0.1/include/qwt_symbol.h:35: error: expected `}' before numeric constant
... <many more of these in this file>
In file included from v0000/plot_curve.h:7,
                 from v0000/utility.h:9,
                 from v0000/settings.h:16,
                 from v0000/dialog.cpp:10:
../../../qwt-6.0.1/include/qwt_symbol.h:10:1: unterminated #ifndef
In file included from v0000/utility.h:9,
                 from v0000/settings.h:16,
                 from v0000/dialog.cpp:10:
v0000/plot_curve.h:1:1: unterminated #ifndef
In file included from v0000/settings.h:16,
                 from v0000/dialog.cpp:10:
v0000/utility.h:1:1: unterminated #ifndef
In file included from v0000/dialog.cpp:10:
v0000/settings.h:1:1: unterminated #ifndef

and with the #include <X11/Xlib.h> line only: 并且仅使用#include <X11/Xlib.h>行:

In file included from ../../../../lib/inc/gce_MakeDir.hxx:20,
                 from v0000/bounding_box.cpp:17:
../../../../lib/inc/gce_Root.hxx:49: error: expected unqualified-id before ')' token
In file included from ../../../../lib/inc/gce_Root.hxx:71,
                 from ../../../../lib/inc/gce_MakeDir.hxx:20,
                 from v0000/bounding_box.cpp:17:
../../../../lib/inc/gce_Root.lxx:11: error: expected unqualified-id before "int"

The code we need X for is currently deactivated so without the two includes, everything compiles just fine. 目前,我们需要X的代码已被停用,因此,如果没有这两个包含,一切编译就可以了。

I really can't seem to track down the root of the problem. 我真的似乎无法找到问题的根源。 The X include path is correct, sample applications of qt and occ work (so I guess they are using X and the installation should be ok) and I could not find an error with include guards. X包含路径正确,qt和occ的示例应用程序正常工作(因此我想它们正在使用X,并且安装应该可以),并且找不到包含保护的错误。

//edit as requested, here is the source code of the files in which the errors occur: //按要求编辑 ,这是发生错误的文件的源代码:

qwt_symbol.h: (qwt) qwt_symbol.h:(qwt)

/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

#ifndef QWT_SYMBOL_H
#define QWT_SYMBOL_H

#include "qwt_global.h"
#include <QPolygonF>

class QPainter;
class QRect;
class QSize;
class QBrush;
class QPen;
class QColor;
class QPointF;

//! A class for drawing symbols
class QWT_EXPORT QwtSymbol
      Symbol Style
      \sa setStyle(), style()
    enum Style
        //! No Style. The symbol cannot be drawn.
        NoSymbol = -1,

        //! Ellipse or circle

        //! Rectangle

        //!  Diamond

        //! Triangle pointing upwards

        //! Triangle pointing downwards

        //! Triangle pointing upwards

        //! Triangle pointing left

        //! Triangle pointing right

        //! Cross (+)

        //! Diagonal cross (X)

        //! Horizontal line

        //! Vertical line

        //! X combined with +

        //! Six-pointed star

        //! Hexagon

         Styles >= QwtSymbol::UserSymbol are reserved for derived
         classes of QwtSymbol that overload drawSymbols() with
         additional application specific symbol types.
        UserStyle = 1000

    QwtSymbol( Style = NoSymbol );
    QwtSymbol( Style, const QBrush &, const QPen &, const QSize & );
    QwtSymbol( const QwtSymbol & );
    virtual ~QwtSymbol();

    QwtSymbol &operator=( const QwtSymbol & );
    bool operator==( const QwtSymbol & ) const;
    bool operator!=( const QwtSymbol & ) const;

    void setSize( const QSize & );
    void setSize( int width, int height = -1 );
    const QSize& size() const;

    virtual void setColor( const QColor & );

    void setBrush( const QBrush& b );
    const QBrush& brush() const;

    void setPen( const QPen & );
    const QPen& pen() const;

    void setStyle( Style );
    Style style() const;

    void drawSymbol( QPainter *, const QPointF & ) const;
    void drawSymbols( QPainter *, const QPolygonF & ) const;

    virtual QSize boundingSize() const;

    virtual void drawSymbols( QPainter *,
        const QPointF *, int numPoints ) const;

    class PrivateData;
    PrivateData *d_data;

  \brief Draw the symbol at a specified position

  \param painter Painter
  \param pos Position of the symbol in screen coordinates
inline void QwtSymbol::drawSymbol(
    QPainter *painter, const QPointF &pos ) const
    drawSymbols( painter, &pos, 1 );

  \brief Draw symbols at the specified points

  \param painter Painter
  \param points Positions of the symbols in screen coordinates

inline void QwtSymbol::drawSymbols(
    QPainter *painter, const QPolygonF &points ) const
    drawSymbols( painter, points.data(), points.size() );


gce_root.hxx: (opencascade) gce_root.hxx:(opencascade)

// This file is generated by WOK (CPPExt).
// Please do not edit this file; modify original file instead.
// The copyright and license terms as defined for the original file apply to 
// this header file considered to be the "object code" form of the original source.

#ifndef _gce_Root_HeaderFile
#define _gce_Root_HeaderFile

#ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile
#include <Standard.hxx>
#ifndef _Standard_Macro_HeaderFile
#include <Standard_Macro.hxx>

#ifndef _gce_ErrorType_HeaderFile
#include <gce_ErrorType.hxx>
#ifndef _Standard_Boolean_HeaderFile
#include <Standard_Boolean.hxx>

//! This class implements the common services for <br>
//!           all classes of gce which report error. <br>
class gce_Root  {

  void* operator new(size_t,void* anAddress) 
    return anAddress;
  void* operator new(size_t size) 
    return Standard::Allocate(size); 
  void  operator delete(void *anAddress) 
    if (anAddress) Standard::Free((Standard_Address&)anAddress); 

  //! Returns true if the construction is successful. <br>
        Standard_Boolean IsDone() const;

//! Returns the status of the construction: <br>
//! -   gce_Done, if the construction is successful, or <br>
//! -   another value of the gce_ErrorType enumeration <br>
//!   indicating why the construction failed. <br>
        gce_ErrorType Status() const;


gce_ErrorType TheError;



#include <gce_Root.lxx>

// other Inline functions and methods (like "C++: function call" methods)


gce_root.lxx: (opencascade) gce_root.lxx:(opencascade)

// File:    gce_Root.cxx
// Created: Tue Sep 29 12:34:39 1992
// Author:  Remi GILET
//      <reg@sdsun2>

inline Standard_Boolean gce_Root::IsDone () const
  return TheError == gce_Done;

inline gce_ErrorType gce_Root::Status() const
  return TheError;

It does not help your include problem directly, but QT has a class for determining client screen size, called QDesktopWidget . 它不能直接帮助您解决包含问题,但是QT有一个用于确定客户端屏幕尺寸的类,称为QDesktopWidget So you could do something like that: 因此,您可以执行以下操作:

QDesktopWidget *desktop =  QApplication::desktop();
QRect geometry = desktop->availableGeometry();

Or one of the other functions of the class. 或该类的其他功能之一。 It allows you to select from multiple screens and access the screen a widget is in. 它允许您从多个屏幕中选择并访问小部件所在的屏幕。

With the following includes: 包括以下内容:

#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>

I needed to undef a few definitions: 我需要取消一些定义:

#undef Bool
#undef CursorShape
#undef Expose
#undef KeyPress
#undef KeyRelease
#undef FocusIn
#undef FocusOut
#undef FontChange
#undef None
#undef Status
#undef Unsorted

Of course add LIBS += -lX11 in your .pro file, and you are good to go! 当然,在您的.pro文件中添加LIBS += -lX11 ,您一切顺利!

Have you checked to make sure that Qt is not defining types that X11 requires, such as Bool? 您是否检查过以确保Qt并未定义X11所需的类型,例如Bool?

Take a look at Compiler does not see QX11Info as this covers a common problem when including X11 with Qt. 看一看Compiler看不到QX11Info,因为在Xt中包含X11时,这涵盖了一个常见问题。

You may need to undef more than just Bool. 您可能不仅需要取消对Bool的定义。

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