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[英]How do I fade out this fade on mouseleave?

I want to be able to fade out the div that just got faded in, but I can't get it to work. 我希望能够淡出刚刚淡入的div,但无法使其正常工作。 I have the following code: 我有以下代码:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('.upgrade').mouseenter(function() {
            var modal = $(this).data('modal');
            // alert(modal);
            $('.' + modal).fadeIn(200);
        }).mouseleave(function() {
            $('.' + modal).stop().fadeOut(200);

    <div class="upgrade" id="upgrade-1" data-modal="bonus">
       <!-- text -->

   <div class="bonus">
      <!-- bonus product text -->

You need to delcare modal outside mouseenter function 您需要在鼠标输入功能之外添加delcare modal

$(document).ready(function() {
     var modal="";//declare here
    $('.upgrade').mouseenter(function() {
         modal = $(this).data('modal');
        $('.' + modal).fadeIn(200);
    }).mouseleave(function() {
        $('.' + modal).stop().fadeOut(200);


I assume the mistake is not defining modal in the mouseleave event. 我认为错误不是在mouseleave事件中定义modal

Try 尝试

 $(document).ready(function() {
        $('.upgrade').mouseenter(function() {
            var modal = $(this).data('modal');
            // alert(modal);
            $('.' + modal).fadeIn(200);
        }).mouseleave(function() {
            var modal = $(this).data('modal');
            $('.' + modal).stop().fadeOut(200);

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