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如何将存储在字符串中的日期时间“ yyyy / MM / dd HH:mm:ss”转换为Date对象?

[英]How to convert date-time “yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss” that's stored in a String to a Date object?

I want to insert into a Mysql column (DATETIME column) a time & date . 我想将时间和日期插入Mysql列(DATETIME列)中。 For that purpose i use the DATETIME field . 为此,我使用DATETIME字段。

But on the JAVA side , I need to have a Date object with the time & date . 但是在JAVA方面,我需要具有日期和时间的Date对象。

Consider the code : 考虑代码:

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
    String str = dateFormat.format(cal.getTime());

This code produces : 此代码产生:

2014/03/19 01:11:35

How can I convert it to a Date object in the format yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss , so it would be possible to put it in the mysql column of DATETIME ? 如何将其转换为yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss格式的Date对象,因此可以将其放在DATETIME的mysql列中?

Much appreciated 非常感激

The getTime() method of Calendar returns a Date object. Calendar的getTime()方法返回一个Date对象。

For JDBC, you'll use a java.sql.Timestamp to preserve the time component. 对于JDBC,您将使用java.sql.Timestamp保留时间组件。 (I think a java.sql.Date loses the time component.) (我认为java.sql.Date失去了时间部分。)

For example: 例如:

 preparedStatement.setTimestamp(new java.sql.Timestamp(cal.getTime()));

First point: Date objects have no "format" - they just represent an instant in time. 第一点: Date对象没有“格式”-它们只是表示时间的瞬间。
If you print them, you get the default toString() implementation for Date . 如果打印它们,则将获得Date的默认toString()实现。

Second point: You don't need to format a Date to use it with JDBC. 第二点:您无需格式化Date即可将其与JDBC一起使用。
You should use a prepared statement, then call setObject() , to set the parameter value - the JDBC driver will do the rest, including wrapping in quotes if that's required for the data type. 您应该使用一条准备好的语句,然后调用setObject()来设置参数值-JDBC驱动程序将完成其余工作,如果数据类型需要这样做,包括用引号引起来。

Final point: Never use Calendar unless you have to. 最后一点:除非必须 ,否则不要使用Calendar
In this case, simply new Date() will do the job. 在这种情况下,只需new Date()完成工作。

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