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[英]form dictionary with same key for multiple values parse the xml

MY xml format is this 我的xml格式是这个

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?> 
<key value="22.wav">
<key value="EFG.wav">

How Do i form dictionary? 我如何形成字典?

Here is a how you parse the xml file and populate a dictionary 这是解析xml文件并填充字典的方式

Dictionary<string, int[]> keyIndexCollection = new Dictionary<string, int[]>();
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList keyNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("root/key");
List<int> indexValues = new List<int>();
foreach (XmlNode node in keyNodeList)
    XmlNodeList indexNodeList = node.SelectNodes("Index");
    int parsedIndex;
    foreach (XmlNode indexNode in indexNodeList)
        if (int.TryParse(indexNode.InnerText, out parsedIndex))

    keyIndexCollection.Add(node.Attributes["value"].Value, indexValues.ToArray());

and here is a sample code for iterating the dictionary 这是迭代字典的示例代码

foreach (string key in keyIndexCollection.Keys)
    int[] values = keyIndexCollection[key];

    Console.WriteLine("Key = " + key);
    foreach (int value in values)
        Console.WriteLine("\tValue = " + value);

You can do it this way : 您可以这样操作:

var doc = XDocument.Load("path_to_xml_file.xml");
Dictionary<string, int[]> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int[]>();
foreach (var key in doc.Root.Elements("key"))
    dictionary.Add((string)key.Attribute("value"), key.Elements("Index").Select(o => int.Parse((string)o)).ToArray());

Or simplified using .ToDictionary() extension method : 或使用.ToDictionary()扩展方法简化:

var dict = doc.Root
              .ToDictionary(o => (string) o,
                            p => p.Elements("Index").Select(o => int.Parse((string) o)).ToArray());

If you load your XML like this: 如果您这样加载XML:

var xd = XDocument.Load("path_to_xml_file.xml");

Then you can create two different dictionaries like this: 然后,您可以创建两个不同的字典,如下所示:

var dict1 = 
            x => x.Attribute("value").Value,
            x => x.Elements("Index")
                .Select(y => y.Value)

    var dict2 = 
        .SelectMany(x => x
            .Select(y => new { x = x.Attribute("value").Value, y = y.Value }))
        .ToDictionary(x => x.y, x => x.x);

And these results look like this: 这些结果如下所示:


I suspect you want the first one. 我怀疑你想要第一个。

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