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[英]Nested Asynchronous function in Silverlight

I am trying to call a nested Asynchronous function but I am not getting the required data. 我试图调用嵌套的异步函数,但我没有得到所需的数据。 Since I am using a wcf service with Silverlight I can only use Asynchronous functions. 由于我在Silverlight中使用wcf服务,因此我只能使用异步函数。

In my code I am saving a set of rows containing userdata. 在我的代码中,我保存了一组包含userdata的行。 Before I save it I need to check the username is unique. 在我保存之前,我需要检查用户名是否唯一。 Now I only need to find out the first one and then break out of loop and show a message to the user.for simplicity sake, I have stripped the function of all the extra data and this is how it looks 现在我只需要找出第一个然后突破循环并向用户显示一条消息。为简单起见,我已经删除了所有额外数据的功能,这就是它的外观

      private void SaveUsers(bool CloseForm)
                ObservableCollection<User> _UpdatedUsers = new ObservableCollection<User>(); 
                DatabaseServiceLocal _dataService = new DatabaseServiceLocal(Database);

                foreach (UserViewModel _User in _AllUsers)
                    //bool success = _dataService.IsUserNameUnique(_User.UserName, _User.UserID, Database.CurrentClient.ClientID);
                    if (_User.Dirty && !_User.IsBlank)
                        _dataService.CheckIsUserNameUnique += (s, e) =>
                            if (e.IsUnique)
                                _UpdatedUsers = new ObservableCollection<User>();
                                csaMessageBox.Show(string.Format("Username {0} is not allowed as it already exists in the system. Please choose a different username.", ""), null);
                        _dataService.IsUserNameUnique(_User.UserName, _User.UserID, Database.CurrentClient.ClientID);

                _dataService.UpdateStaffAndUsersCompleted += (s, e) =>
                    BusyIndicator = false;
                    if (e.Success)
                        if (CloseForm)


                BusyIndicator = true;
                BusyMessage = "Saving...";
                             _dataService.UpdateUsers(Database.CurrentProject.ProjectID, Database.CurrentClient.ClientID, _UpdatedUsers, _DeletedProjectUsers);

In this case I am trying to find if the username is unique,show user a message and return. 在这种情况下,我试图找到用户名是否唯一,向用户显示一条消息并返回。 Obviously it's not as simple as that.I have tried a couple more different ways but it didn't work. 显然它不是那么简单。我尝试了几种不同的方式,但它没有用。 How do I get this working? 我该如何工作?

I think you can make your life easier by adding a couple of helper functions. 我认为通过添加几个辅助函数可以让您的生活更轻松。 The first one is an asynchronous function that checks whether a user is unique. 第一个是异步函数,用于检查用户是否唯一。 You may need to add some code to set tcs.SetException if there is an error. 如果出现错误,您可能需要添加一些代码来设置tcs.SetException

private Task<bool> IsUserUniqueAsync(UserViewModel user, DatabaseServiceLocal dataService)
    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

    dataService.CheckIsUserNameUnique += (s, e) =>
    dataService.IsUserNameUnique(user.UserName, user.UserID, Database.CurrentClient.ClientID);
    return tcs.Task;

The second one updates all the users asynchrnously 第二个异步更新所有用户

public Task<bool> UpdateUsersAsync(ObservableCollection<User> updatedUsers, DatabaseServiceLocal dataService)
    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

    BusyIndicator = true;
    BusyMessage = "Saving...";

    dataService.UpdateStaffAndUsersCompleted += (s, e) =>
                    BusyIndicator = false;

    dataService.UpdateUsers(Database.CurrentProject.ProjectID, Database.CurrentClient.ClientID, updatedUsers, _DeletedProjectUsers);

    return tcs.Task;

Then your SaveUsers method becomes a bit simpler. 然后你的SaveUsers方法变得有点简单。

private async void SaveUsers(bool CloseForm)
    ObservableCollection<User> _UpdatedUsers = new ObservableCollection<User>(); 
    DatabaseServiceLocal _dataService = new DatabaseServiceLocal(Database);
    Dictionary<Task<bool>, User> tasks = new Dictionary<Task<bool>, User>();

    // start all tasks in parallel
    foreach (UserViewModel _User in _AllUsers)
        if (_User.Dirty && !_User.IsBlank)
            tasks.Add(IsUserUniqueAsync(_User, _dataService), _User);       

    // process each task as it completes
    while(tasks.Count() > 0 )
        var task = await Task.WhenAny(tasks.Keys.ToArray());

           MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Username {0} is not allowed as it already exists in the system. Please choose a different username.", ""), null);


    if( await UpdateUsersAsync(_UpdatedUsers, _dataService))
        if (CloseForm)


Your code would more or less look like this. 您的代码或多或少会像这样。

ObservableCollection<User> _UpdatedUsers = new ObservableCollection<User>();
int _verifiedUsersCount = 0;
DatabaseServiceLocal _dataService = new DatabaseServiceLocal(Database);

//Verify unique users
private void SaveUsers(bool CloseForm)

    _dataService.CheckIsUserNameUnique += CheckIsUserNameUnique;

    foreach (UserViewModel _User in _AllUsers)
        //bool success = _dataService.IsUserNameUnique(_User.UserName, _User.UserID, Database.CurrentClient.ClientID);
        if (_User.Dirty && !_User.IsBlank)
            _dataService.IsUserNameUnique(_User.UserName, _User.UserID, Database.CurrentClient.ClientID);

//Store verified users to save
private void CheckIsUserNameUnique(object s, CheckIsUserNameUniqueEventArgs e)
    if (e.IsUnique)
        csaMessageBox.Show(string.Format("Username {0} is not allowed as it already exists in the system. Please choose a different username.", ""), null);

    //Call after all the users have been verified for uniqueness
    if (_AllUsers.Count() == verifiedUsersCount)

//Save verified users
private void OnUniqueUserVerifyComplete()
    //No unique users 
    if (_UpdatedUsers.Count < 1) { return; }

    _dataService.UpdateStaffAndUsersCompleted += (s, e) =>
        BusyIndicator = false;
        if (e.Success)
        if (CloseForm)

    BusyIndicator = true;
    BusyMessage = "Saving...";
    _dataService.UpdateUsers(Database.CurrentProject.ProjectID, Database.CurrentClient.ClientID, _UpdatedUsers, _DeletedProjectUsers);

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