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[英]Auto Delete JULI Log files

While using Tomcat in my application, when i import file from a location and stop my application in the middle, JULI log files are generated. 在我的应用程序中使用Tomcat时,当我从某个位置导入文件并在中间停止我的应用程序时,将生成JULI日志文件。 How to auto delete them as they just get created and are not destroyed. 如何自动删除它们,因为它们只是被创建而不会被破坏。

Is there any configuration to do so? 是否有任何配置可以这样做?

It depends on what you want to do. 这取决于您想做什么。 It is obviously possible to disable any logging in JULI. 很明显,可以禁用JULI中的任何日志记录。 JULI is an implementation of Java util Logging, see here for the details. JULI是Java util Logging的实现,有关详细信息,请参见此处 This is configured in the logging.properties file located in the conf directory of Tomcat. 这是在Tomcat conf目录中的logging.properties文件中配置的。 But only your applications calls to Java util Logging are responsible for JULI logs. 但是,只有您对Java util Logging的应用程序调用才负责JULI日志。

I would suggest that your problem is in the application log calls, not in the configuration anyway. 我建议您的问题出在应用程序日志调用中,而不是配置中。

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