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查找最后插入的记录MS SQL SERVER

[英]Find Last Inserted Record MS SQL SERVER

I applied 12Lac Insert command in Single table , but after some time query terminated , How can I find Last Inserted Record 我在“单个”表中应用了12Lac插入命令,但查询终止了一段时间后,如何找到最后插入的记录
a)Table don't have created Date column a)表未创建日期列
b)Can not apply order by clause because primary key values are manually generated b)由于主键值是手动生成的,因此无法应用order by子句
c)Last() is not buit in fumction in mssql. c)Last()在mssql中不具备功能。

Or any way to find last executed query 或以任何方式查找上次执行的查询
There will be some way but not able to figure out 会有一些方法,但无法弄清楚

Table contain only primary key constrain no other constrain 表仅包含主键约束,没有其他约束

As per comment request here a quick and dirty manual solution, assuming you've got the list of INSERT statements (or the according data) in the same sequence as the issued INSERT s. 根据此处的注释请求,假定您已按照与发出的INSERT相同的顺序获取了INSERT语句(或相应数据)列表,这是一种快速而肮脏的手动解决方案。 For this example I assume 1 million records. 对于此示例,我假设有100万条记录。

INSERT ... VALUES (1, ...)
INSERT ... VALUES (250000, ...)
INSERT ... VALUES (500000, ...)
INSERT ... VALUES (750000, ...)
INSERT ... VALUES (1000000, ...)

You just have to find the last PK, that has been inserted. 您只需要找到已插入的最后一个PK。 Luckily in this case there is one. 幸运的是,在这种情况下,只有一个。 So you start doing a manual binary search in the table issuing 因此,您开始在发布表的过程中进行手动二进制搜索

SELECT pk FROM myTable WHERE pk = 500000

If you get a row back, you know it got so far. 如果您退回一排,那您就知道了。 Continue checking with pk = 750000 . 继续检查pk = 750000 Then again, if it is there with pk = 875000 . 如果pk = 875000 ,则再次存在。 If 750000 is not there, then the INSERT s must have stopped earlier. 如果不存在750000,则INSERT必须早些停止。 Then check for pk = 675000 . 然后检查pk = 675000 This process stops in this case after 20 steps. 在这种情况下,此过程将在20个步骤后停止。

It's just plain manual divide and conquer. 这只是简单的手动分而治之。

There is a way. 有一种方法。 Unfortunately you have to do this in advance so it helps you. 不幸的是,您必须提前执行此操作,以帮助您。 So if you have, by any chance the PRIMARY KEYS you inserted, still at hand go ahead and delete all rows that have those keys: 因此,如果您有机会插入的PRIMARY KEYS仍在手边,请删除所有具有这些键的行:

DELETE FROM tableName WHERE ID IN (id1, id2, ...., idn)

Then you enable Change Data Capture for your database (have the db already selected): 然后,为数据库启用“ 更改数据捕获 ”(已选择数据库):

EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db;

Now you also need to enable Change Data Capture for that table, in an example that I've tried I could just run: 现在,您还需要为该表启用“更改数据捕获”,在我尝试可以运行的示例中:

EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table @source_schema = N'dbo', @source_name = N'tableName', @role_name = null

Now you are almost setup! 现在,您几乎已经准备就绪! You need to look into your system services and verify that SQL Server Agent is running for your DBMS, if it does not capturing will not happen. 您需要调查您的系统服务,并验证SQL Server Agent是否正在为您的DBMS运行,如果没有捕获则不会发生。

Now when you insert something into your table you can select data changes from a new table called [cdc].[dbo_tableName_CT] : 现在,当您向表中插入内容时,您可以从名为[cdc].[dbo_tableName_CT]的新表中选择数据更改:

SELECT [__$start_lsn]
  FROM [cdc].[dbo_tableName_CT]

An example output of this looks like this: 一个示例输出如下所示:


you can order by __$seqval that should give you the order in which the rows were inserted. 您可以order by __$seqval ,该顺序应该为您提供插入行的顺序。

NOTE: this feature seems not to be present in SQL Server Express 注意:此功能似乎不存在于SQL Server Express

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