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[英]Retrieving list item values

I've been trying to code a seat booking program which does the following: 我一直在尝试编写执行以下操作的座位预订程序:

  • Takes user input (row, No. of seats) 接受用户输入(行,座位数)
  • Checks an external CSV file for an available blocks of seats based on above input. 根据上述输入,检查外部CSV文件中是否有可用的座位块。
  • Return the number of free seats if available and the seat numbers or tell the user that there is not enough space on that row. 返回空闲的座位数(如果有)和座位号, 或者告诉用户该行没有足够的空间。

Everything works as it should however I'm struggling with retrieving the seat numbers of the free seats. 一切正常,但是我正在努力获取免费座位的座位号。 Any ideas with my current method? 我目前的方法有什么想法吗? Much appreciated! 非常感激!

import csv
from itertools import groupby

LargeBlock = 0

SpacesReq = int(input("How many spaces do you require? (8 Max.) "))
while SpacesReq > 8:
    print("Invalid amount.")
SectionReq = input("What row would you like to check between A-E? (Uppercase required) ")

with open('data.csv', 'rt') as file:

    open_f = csv.reader(file,  delimiter=',')

    for line in open_f:
        if line[10] == SectionReq:

            LargeBlock = max(sum(1 for _ in g) for k, g in groupby(line) if k == '0')

            if SpacesReq > LargeBlock:
                print('There are only ', LargeBlock, ' seats together, available on row ',SectionReq,'.')
                print('There is room for your booking of ',SpacesReq,' seats on row ',SectionReq,'.')

CSV structure CSV结构

1   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   E
0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   D
0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   C
0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   B
0   0   0   0   0   1   1   1   1   1   A

Here is one alternate way to go about this: 这是解决此问题的另一种方法:

for line in open_f:
        if line[10] == SectionReq:

            blockfound = "".join([str(e) for e in line[:-1]]).find("0"*SeatsReq)

            if blockfound is not -1:
                print('There are not enough seats together, available on row ',SectionReq,'.')
                print('There is room for your booking of ',SpacesReq,' seats on row ',SectionReq,', in seats ',str(blockfound),' through ',str(SeatsReq+blockfound),'.')

Your specification (as written) does not require us to tell the user how many seats actually are available in the row if it is not enough for their needs. 您的说明(按书面规定)不需要我们告诉用户该行中实际有多少座位可用,如果这不足以满足他们的需求。

(Using line E in this case) (在这种情况下,使用E行)

This 这个

>>> groups = [(k, len(list(g))) for k, g in groupby(line)]
>>> groups
[('1', 1), ('0', 1), ('1', 1), ('0', 7)]

Gives you the mapping of the number of occupied/free consecutive rows 为您提供已占用/空闲连续行数的映射

Then, 然后,

>>> [i for i, x in enumerate(groups) if x[0] == '0' and x[1] > SpacesReq]

Gives you all the indices of the blocks that have sufficient space 给您所有具有足够空间的块的索引

Or, blockIndex = next((i for i, x in enumerate(groups) if x[0] == '0' and x[1] > SpacesReq), None) returns the first matching block or None 或者, blockIndex = next((i for i, x in enumerate(groups) if x[0] == '0' and x[1] > SpacesReq), None)返回第一个匹配块或None

Then, 然后,

>>> sum(blockSize for _, blockSize in groups[:blockIndex])

Gives you the total number of seat before your large enough block. 为您提供足够大的座位之前的总座位数。

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