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[英]Java find common elements in a collection

I need to find common elements in a collection of arrays using 我需要使用数组找到集合中的常见元素

public Comparable[] findCommonElements(Object[] collection)

as the signature of my algorithm, it should accept a collection of arrays (of varying length and of any type) as input, and be no greater than O(knlogn). 作为我算法的签名,它应该接受一组数组(长度可变且任何类型)作为输入,并且不大于O(knlogn)。

I want to do a quick sort (??) of the arrays then do a binary search for the common elements. 我想对数组进行快速排序(??),然后对公共元素进行二进制搜索。 This should put me right at O(knlogn), but I'm not 100% sure about efficiency. 这应该让我说对了O(knlogn),但是我不确定效率100%。

I'm lost on how to get the binary search to search the collections and then print the common elements. 我不知道如何进行二进制搜索来搜索集合,然后打印公共元素。 I am aware I cannot call common from a static method, but I left it to give an idea of what I tried. 我知道我不能从静态方法调用common,但是我留下了它,以让我对尝试过的事情有所了解。 I am aware my time would be better spent learning how to use array lists and hash sets, but I am supposed to use concepts already covered, and these have not been. 我知道我的时间最好花在学习如何使用数组列表和哈希集上,但是我应该使用已经讲过的概念,而这些还没有。

Code: 码:

public class CommonElements2<T extends Comparable<T>>
   Comparable[] tempArr;
   Comparable[] queryArray;
   Comparable[] common = new Comparable[queryArray.length];
   int counter = 0;
sort algorithm goes here
   public Comparable[] findCommonElements(Object[] collections)
      queryArray = ((Comparable[])collections[0]);
      boolean found = false;

      for(int x = 0; x < queryArray.length; ++x)
         for(int y = 1; y < collections.length; ++y)
            tempArr = (Comparable[])collections[y];
            found = binarySearch(tempArr, 0, tempArr.length, queryArray[x]);

               common[counter] = queryArray[x];
         } //end y for loop
      } // end x for loop
      return common;      
   } // end findCommonElements

   public boolean binarySearch(Comparable[] arr, int first, int last, Object searchItem)
      boolean found;
      int mid = (first + (last - first)) /2;

      if(first > last)
         return false;

      int value = ((Comparable)searchItem).compareTo(arr[mid]);

      if(value < 0)
         value = -1;

         case 0:
            found = true;
         case -1:
            found = binarySearch(arr, first, mid - 1, searchItem);
            found = binarySearch(arr, mid + 1, last, searchItem);
      return found;
   } //end bianry search

   public static void main(String[] args)
        Object [] collections = new Object[4];
        collections[0] = new Integer[]{3, 4, 9, 8, 12, 15, 7, 13};
    collections[1] = new Integer[]{15,24,50,12,3,9};
    collections[2] = new Integer[]{78,65,24,13,9,3,12};
    collections[3] = new Integer[]{15,78,14,3,2,9,44,12};

        CommonElements2<Integer> one = new CommonElements2<Integer>();

} // end class

Thank you for any help and input! 感谢您的帮助和输入!

From my comment, here's an algorithm that can fulfill your work: 根据我的评论,这是一种可以完成您的工作的算法:

  1. Sorting all the arrays separately O(knlogn). 将所有数组分别排序O(knlogn)。
  2. Take two arrays A1 and A2 from the array of arrays. 从数组数组中获取两个数组A1和A2。
  3. Navigate through every item of A1 and search if the element is in A2 using binary search O(nlogn). 浏览A1的每一项,并使用二进制搜索O(nlogn)搜索元素是否在A2中。
  4. Store the common elements from A1 and A2 into array B. 将A1和A2中的公共元素存储到数组B中。
  5. Take another array from the arrays of arrays as A2, use array B as A1. 从数组数组中选取另一个数组作为A2,将数组B作为A1。
  6. Go to step 3 and repeat the process until you have used all the arrays in your array of arrays O(knlogn). 转到步骤3并重复该过程,直到使用完数组O(knlogn)的所有数组为止。

Here's a pseudocode of the proposed algorithm (looks like Java code but is not Java code at all): 这是所提出算法的伪代码(看起来像Java代码,但根本不是 Java代码):

public Comparable[] findCommonElements(Object[] collections) {
    for each collection in collections
        Comparable[] compCollection = (Comparable[])collection
    end for
    Comparable[] a1 = (Comparable[])collections[0]
    //assume MAX is a really high value like 10000
    //the best value for MAX would be the max length of the arrays in collections
    Comparable[] b = new Comparable[MAX]
    int bSize = 0
    for i = 1 to collections.length - 1
        Comparable[] a2 = (Comparable[])collections[i]
        for each Comparable comp in a1
            int index = binarySearch(comp, a2)
            if index >= 0 then
                add a2[index] into b
                bSize = bSize + 1
            end if
        end for
        a1 = b
        b = new Comparable[MAX]
        bSize = 0
    end for
    return b

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