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(function(){})();和有什么区别? 和(function(){}());?

[英]What is the difference between (function(){})(); and (function(){}());?

Will the two following different lines of code do exactly the same? 以下两行不同的代码行会完全一样吗?



Yes. 是。 The only reason to include parentheses around the whole expression is to avoid its interpretation as a function declaration: 整个表达式中包含括号的唯一原因是避免将其解释为function声明:

(function f(){}());  // (1) Expression
(function f(){})();  // (2) Expression
function f(){}       // Function declaration
function f(){}();    // Syntax error

But whether you invoke the function literal directly (1) or have an intervening pair of parentheses (2) makes no difference at all. 但是,直接调用函数文字(1)还是插入一对括号(2)都没有任何区别。

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