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[英]Checking if a cell value exists in another cell

Sorry for the misleading title, hopefully my explanation helps you understand what I want. 对不起误导性标题,希望我的解释能帮助您了解我想要的内容。

I have three columns: 我有三列:

   A             B                  C
  SKU      media_gallery       image_paths
LNH222A                    +/JPEG/LNH222A-5.jpg
LNH222B                    +/JPEG/LNH222A-8-ROOM.jpg

I want to check if a cell's value within column A exists somehwere in a cell's value of column C, and if so put the matching column C cell into column B parallel to the matching string. 我想检查A列中的某个单元格的值是否存在于C列的某个单元格的值中,如果是,则将匹配的C列的单元格放入与匹配字符串平行的B列中。 So if LNH222A exists somewhere in column C, take that matched cell value and place it into column B. 因此,如果LNH222A存在于C列中的某处,请获取匹配的单元格值并将其放入B列中。

So in the example above, cell B2 should have the value of: 因此,在上面的示例中,单元格B2的值应为:


The same would happen for LNH222B and so on .. 对于LNH222B等也会发生同样的情况。

This assumes that your data begins in row #2: 假设您的数据从第2行开始:

Sub Adrift()
    Dim NA As Long, NC As Long, v As String, I As Long, J As Long
    Dim v2 As String
    NA = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    NC = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
    For I = 2 To NA
        v = Cells(I, "A").Value
        v2 = ""
        For J = 2 To NC
            If InStr(Cells(J, "C").Value, v) > 0 Then
                v2 = v2 & ";" & Cells(J, "C").Value
            End If
        Next J
        Cells(I, "A").Offset(0, 1).Value = Mid(v2,2)
    Next I
End Sub

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