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在Windows 8应用程序中使用Hyperlink NavigateUri在xaml页面之间导航

[英]Navigating between xaml pages using Hyperlink NavigateUri in windows 8 application

In Windows phone 8 application, it is possible to navigate between XAML pages using the hyperlink as shown below 在Windows Phone 8应用程序中,可以使用超链接在XAML页面之间导航,如下所示

Hyperlink MyLink = new Hyperlink();
MyLink.NavigateUri = new Uri("/Views/SamplePage.xaml?entryId=" + entryId, UriKind.Relative);

I am creating dynamic hyperlinks inside IValueConverter based on the content. 我正在基于内容在IValueConverter中创建动态超链接。 I am porting the application to Windows 8 and i could not use the same code, as windows 8 supports only the navigation using the Frame 我将应用程序移植到Windows 8,我无法使用相同的代码,因为Windows 8仅支持使用Frame导航

this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(SamplePage)); this.Frame.Navigate(typeof运算(的SamplePage));

Is there any other way, i can use Hyperlinks to navigate between xaml pages in Windows 8 metro applications. 有没有其他方法,我可以使用超链接在Windows 8 metro应用程序中的xaml页面之间导航。

Or is there any way to get the current Frame from within IValueConverter to navigate between the pages? 或者有没有办法让IValueConverter中的当前Frame在页面之间导航?

Sounds like you are navigating in the ValueConverter- I personally would not do that. 听起来像是在ValueConverter中导航 - 我个人不会这样做。

Use the Frame object, create your own abstraction as a service, or use behaviors (which you of course can use converters with) 使用Frame对象,创建自己的抽象作为服务,或使用行为(您当然可以使用转换器)

        <Grid x:Name="grid5" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Background="Purple">
          <TextBlock x:Name="TextBox" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" FontSize="45" Text="Navigation with param" Margin="0,165,3,165"/>
              <core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="Tapped">
                 <core:NavigateToPageAction TargetPage="Behaviors_And_Triggers.NewPage" Parameter="{Binding ElementName=TextBox,Path=Text}"/>

Dont forget to add the Behaviors SDK extension (Add Reference => Extensions => Behaviors) and namespace: 别忘了添加Behaviors SDK扩展(Add Reference => Extensions => Behaviors)和命名空间:


Note: Behaviors_And_Triggers. 注意:Behaviors_And_Triggers。 NewPage => NewPage is the name of the page! NewPage => NewPage是页面的名称!

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