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如何将JavaScript数组对象转换为jQuery prependTo

[英]How to turn JavaScript array of objects into jQuery prependTo

In the following exampmle I'm setting an array of objects and sort them by a key parameter (position). 在下面的示例中,我设置了一个对象数组,并通过一个关键参数(位置)对它们进行排序。 I then need to output the result - but how? 然后我需要输出结果 - 但是怎么样? See the comment in the code. 请参阅代码中的注释。

$(document).ready(function () {

    function sortHooks(){

        // add modules
        var modules = [ 
            { module: 'navbar', hook: 'hook-header', position: '2'},
            { module: 'logo', hook: 'hook-header', position: '3'},
            { module: 'description', hook: 'hook-header', position: '1'}

        // sort by "position" ASC
        function byPosition(a,b) {
            if (a.position < b.position)
                return -1;
            if (a.position > b.position)
                return 1;
            return 0;

        // jQuery function with the given parameters
        /*  for each modules as modules
            for each hook as hook
            do the following:
            $( '#' + module )prependTo( '#' + hook )

            so for the given example it should return

            so they can be executed in that specific order.
            And since we're using "prepend" that will mean
            that the items be placed like this:

        return ???

    // Execute sortHooks function

Maybe something like this, but I'm not exactly sure: 也许是这样的,但我不确定:

$.each(modules, function(index, value) {
    $( '#' + value.module ).prependTo( '#' + value.hook ));

I've tried a bunch of other things as well, one of them being Hook elements with insertAfter, but stay in parent - jQuery , which worked perfectly, but if the position was higher than the children inside the parent it didn't know what to do with it and causing a lot of unwanted behavior. 我已经尝试过其他一些东西,其中一个是带有insertAfter的Hook元素,但是留在父 - jQuery ,它工作得很好,但如果位置高于父级内的孩子,它不知道是什么处理它并导致许多不必要的行为。

function byPosition(a,b) { return a.position-b.position; }

just use a regular loop 只需使用常规循环

for(var i=0; i<modules.length; i++){
   $( '#' + modules[i].module )prependTo( '#' + modules[i].hook );

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