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[英]Android MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE and Intent.ACTION_PICK

Im interested to know if the following android intents are available on every device or are they available only on some devices as com.android.camera.action.crop is? 我有兴趣知道以下android意图是否在每台设备上都可用,或者它们仅在某些设备上可用,例如com.android.camera.action.crop

Intent for picking an image from gallery: 从图库中选择图像的意图:

Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);

Intent for taking a picture from built-in camera: 从内置相机拍摄照片的意图:


There is no guarantee that any Android device supports any particular Intent structure for any particular user. 不能保证任何Android设备都支持任何特定用户的任何特定Intent结构。 For example, with restricted profiles on Android 4.3+ tablets, even devices that have a camera app may not support ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE for a particular profile, because it is not allowed by the device owner. 例如,在Android 4.3+平板电脑上使用受限制的配置文件,即使具有摄像头应用程序的设备也可能不支持针对特定配置文件的ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE ,因为设备所有者不允许这样做。

You can use PackageManager and resolveActivity() to see if the device supports a particular Intent for startActivityForResult() for the current user. 您可以使用PackageManagerresolveActivity()来查看设备是否为当前用户的startActivityForResult()支持特定的Intent Or, you can catch the ActivityNotFoundException that will be raised. 或者,您可以捕获将引发的ActivityNotFoundException

Beyond that, most devices for most users should support the ACTION_PICK Intent (or, better yet, ACTION_GET_CONTENT ). 除此之外, 大多数用户的大多数设备都应支持ACTION_PICK Intent (或者更好的是ACTION_GET_CONTENT )。 Somewhat fewer devices will support ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE , simply because not all devices have a camera. 支持ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE的设备要少一些,这是因为并非所有设备都配有摄像头。

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